Ripple XRP is probably the most difficult cryptocurrency to do a price prediction about. It’s the only cryptocurrency which is centralized and connected to banks. 2 things cryptocurrencies fight against. That makes Ripple and its XRP the odd one in the market. Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts don’t like Ripple, but this market opinion about Ripple can change when institutional investors and fund managers are coming to the market. They don’t care about cryptocurrency values, there are here to make money…


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  1. Hey guys here a smart application for your smartphone load Electroneum App from Play Store and mine ETN Simply to use E58924 enter the code and increase your hash rate i Love it Enjoy free need very low Resources 🙂 much fun After few hours getting your First ETN s 🙂

  2. ripple was the second one crypto i invested in (having been btc tye first obivous one), i know a lot of people do not like it because of centralization and so on, that's why i also split investment in privacy coins like deeponion and xvg, or in trading bots an platforms like rialto napoleon and kryll. but let's stay on theme and talk about ripple: i am following it since 2014 so it is quite a lot in term of cryptos.. and every year is the same: you see two, maybe three huge spikes in small timeframes followed by a long decline (speaking of months), i think this is not gonna change in the near future so i think we are going to see the next rise around april / may with new ath maybe and the again a decline trough all summer. but this is only my opinion of course 😉

  3. I think the deepOnion is another good project to invest . We have so many amazing features , such as deepvalut , based on tor . The best important is that we have a so strong community .

  4. I think it ain't goin' anywhere. Besides the huge amount still in escrow, banks would prefer it didn't change value since they use it only as a form of monetary transfer & bookkeeping, nothing more.

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