Molly Jane from Cointelegraph speaks with Lark Davis, aka The Crypto Lark — a popular YouTuber from New Zealand — about the most interesting news in the crypto space. Samsung Coins will be launched, EY released the blockchain development, the Initial Exchange Offerings boom.
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Samsung Coin, John McAfee, IEOs — Molly Jane & The Crypto Lark | Crypto YouTubers



  1. For private blockchains, JPM coin and Samsung coin, but mostly JPM coin would be used for auditing, verification, immutable records. It would make tracking easier for government regulators, for legal settlements, cross border trading, etc

    Regarding Lark's quick mention of bitcoin censorship resistance, I think that feature is nowhere near enough. Just like with ETH's. A good mixing service is absolutely required, but the problem is that few transactions are mixed and those that do stand out. You need privacy/anonymity, like Zcash, Veil, Monero. In fact Zcash is a problem because of its default public mode. Otherwise, being publicly traceable means any info leakage connecting one address to your online account or email which the state or equivalently, any determined thugs can pursue to obtain your identity, meaning that anyone can come after you. It becomes a safety issue. Furthermore, you need decentralized exchanges, p2p trading because again, KYC and AML are safety risks. Where censorship resistance becomes important is with decentralized exchanges, in order to escape the state's demand for KYC/AML.

    Regarding McAffee, well, if anything, his claim is certainly more believable than Craig Wrights' claim of being Satoshi

  2. Ehm, I dont think he guessed the private keys…he just hacked people…maybe he ven bought them…nobody knows…just because money are moved to an account it proves nothing really.

  3. And the fiat system is epic fail. My credit card was abused now for the 3d time in only 2 years. Crypto lark should shut up sometimes. >_> And think before he talk. Everything get hacked all the time but crypto lark is a n00b and dont know what he talk about.

  4. 8:00 noob, anyone can be hacked. Getting hacked has nothing to do with ICO's? Its easy to hack anybody really. Only depends on how much money you can earn in the end by doing it. Millions? Ok, then the hacker will use maybe use 1k usd to crack the password and earn 1 million. That is a 1000x right there. And because it is crypto there is no way stopping him after. ( ofc you dont hack google, facebook and those giants, too high risk, they also got pro hackers called white hats who's job is only to stop black hat hackers )

  5. I just don’t understand why some youtubers wear those hideous headphone. Is this really necessary? Since not everyone wears them (and also not the girl but that could be recorded at a later point).

  6. ultimatly this enthusiam for crypto and the blockchain will be turned against the people and used to enslave them people cannot see it now but every means of control has always been made to seem trendy and liberating using the ethos of the past libertarian movement against banks to banks and ultimatly a centralizing entity controlling all blockchains , peoples tangible control of their wealth is de-materializing right infront of their faces and their willingly handing over control. The effects and ramifications of blockchain and crypto has not been felt nobody is talking about the efficacy and even if people want to be part of this revolution but it will be forced on everyone regardless of where you are. The whole unbanked mantra is a term for those who want to control information and privacy of everyone on the planet under the guise of emancipating the poor. In countries where hard currency rules crypto is only an oppression ! As usual we get the trendies speak for everyone on the planet as if they understand how people feel or need.

  7. Do you think JPM coin and Samsung coin are legitimately trying to get into the space or do you think that they're showing us how ridiculous all the altcoins really are and they're just making a parody about their coin and crypto in general.

  8. Aloha MJ & CL. Just wanted to say how grateful I am for the knowledgeable dialogue in and on the cryptOsphere. This was a great show. Your dialogue together is well suited for learning. Would love to hear more about IEO's, best Dapps on which blockchain platform, corporate blockchain team developments. Love the focus on keeping a perspective on the most important aspects of this industry. Big respects. When you get a chance check out my music video on LBRY Cheers

  9. All major corporations will have their own coin I think eventually bc aggregate demand endogenous nominal gdp is a formless economic current and yet can be shaped to design of a construct where the production is self perpetuate and all inclusive sustainability. So next is Amazon or Uber coin, right? ?

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