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  1. Steve has read my review several times in his video. Before taking these classes I was doing pretty good inside the crypto and stock market. After taking his classes my gains erected. I now make anywhere from 15 to 75% on my trades. On my first two trades I was able to pay for my trip and upgrade my hotel to go to Belgium And last week I was able to take my kid to Disneyland for march break.

  2. I totally love listening to you! It's not only the great information you provide but also your calm and clear way to explain. Really hope to get something done through your amazing videos! Thank you so much for taking your time for us. <3

  3. Thank you Steve for opening my eyes! I did so much wrong the last year! But nowI will focus and everything’s will work out ?? lots of love from Germany ❤️

  4. Your a true teacher. A lot of teachers in the education system are fake teachers. They teach us whatever they are told by their superiors to teach. I took a 3 year business course in College and I never learned anything about markets like you teach. A true teacher teaches something that they do everyday and Steve you classify as a true teacher. You actually teach us to catch the fish and not just simply sell buying signals like a lot of channels do. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." Your classes are worth every penny. It gave me so much more confidence. I recommend it to anyone even if your an experienced trader. I look forward to your future classes!

  5. Thanks to your classes Steve, I am no longer "GAMBLING" with my hard earned $$. Your classes taught me that I was doing EXACTLY that. I feel such renewed confidence as I've stopped the bleeding and have turned my portfolio around and heading back North. Thank you for these life changing classes Steve. You really are making a difference in the World. Truly AMAZING, Bless your Heart and thanks for your time and efforts to help us succeed. Heaven holds a special place for people of INTEGRITY like yourself.

  6. Excellent video again Steve. Having bought your Pro class I'm no longer worried about losing trades. Like EVERYONE who takes your classes, my only regret is I didn't do it sooner. I could have saved thousands in bad trades – guaranteed.

  7. That was me! Show me a chart and I will tell you the News. How far are we from the bull market? Well in Stock market terms in a short time in altcoin land bitcoin will take forever to go up. Time is relative to people.

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