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  1. Do you have a promo? I would like to join the chat room if I can get under $100 for a month to evaluate. My biggest takeaway was in the area of being safe from newsletters and companies having secondary offerings that can hijack the price and cause huge swings. This concept happened to my wife 3 times on MBOT. I will have her watch this video! Thanks Nate.

  2. Nice Nate! nnvc everything lines up a+ heavy tape and bam overstay , realistic talk! trading around core on something thats headline and newsletter driven. good lesson. thanx!

  3. Biggest takeaway – ALWAYS know where your risk level is BEFORE you enter a trade. It's really easy to get bored while watching a lot of charts and see something start to move and say"hey this looks like it might flush here, or lose this level…" then it reverses and now I'm looking for the most logical exit with emotions involved…not good. Much better to have a plan with a predetermined risk level where I know, if it gets to this level, I'm wrong, and I'm out.

  4. Nate my trading has taking a turn for the better the past 4 months I have been de-constructing your trades (arrow ticks) and watching all of you videos going back as far as youtube will allow. Thank you so much for putting these scans out. See you in chat sometime soon.

  5. Thanks Nate! Keep that risk tight , Being on the wrong side over leveraged is not a fun ride, and has been the reason in past I have taken my biggest losses . Some of these stocks can take you out in one trade . Know what you own. If I have to pass on advice , I would say focus on acct building , and gaining experience , Know mistakes will be made live to trade another day .

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