► I super appreciate all your likes and comments guys.
► My recommended exchange is CoinBase as it’s so simple. Register using this code and we both get $10!: http://bit.ly/2hZh8bg
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A lot of you have been asking for my donation address. I really appreciate that you would want to part with your own money to support me, however please know your view is all the support I need! But if you would like to tip, then thank you very much.
BTC: 1LpYrNjMwKQ1qHbCgz1xTYifjsCpigMfyA

I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advise. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle.



  1. I really enjoy your show! I watch it everyday! Keep up the good work! Also, could you do a segment on if there are better days than others to trade? It's something that has been interesting me to find out.

  2. Super video man! What o you think of these coins: QTUM is the NEO of Singapore, The ETH of SE Asia, Bytecoin is a better privacy coin then Monero and around since 2012 (longer then Monero) and BTS is very active with their DEV team and was 8x it's current price. BCN recently got active with Development too.

    Bitshares is polling it's customers as to which development they want next. Very good development team. Thanks I'm sorry that I have to discuss things I don't like about Bitcoin and Bcash (especially) in my video. I hope it doesn't offend you, but it's just for environmental reasons. I quit my job also to do youtube videos about cryptos… welll mainly trade actually.

  3. Really enjoy your videos, keep them coming. I love the fact you keep them short and succinct, please don't become one of those guys that do 20/40 minute videos with only 2 minutes of actual content, ~10 minutes is perfect for a daily 🙂

  4. SegWit was waited for 2 years already, but Yes, BigBlockers and mostly Jihan Bitmain Wu (with his friend Roger Judas Ver) did block it!
    Now is time to dump and let die that BCrash and think about IF the 2X is really needed!?!
    I tend to think it's not needed (I had 3 BTC transactions last night to move my Ledger Nano S to the SegWit address) with 20satochis/byte =$0,50 fee and 1st went confirmed in less than 6 minutes, 2 others in less than 20 minutes.
    So I consider it would be safer if we give the time to Core Worldwide Devs to produce and Test a SAFE code for the blocksize increase which is on their roadmap instead of letting 1 Dev break the code, and mostly confuse more the Financial world with a 3rd version of Bitcoin.

  5. selling my XRP before Wednesday, but holding it for a couple of days. Hoping for that spike again. There is just way to much in the alt-alt coin market. Come on people. Let's go with projects that are real?

  6. The vampire squid cartel of bankers are holding the world to ransom on many many levels. Bitcoin was the first stake in the heart of the vampire. I love hammering in those stakes every time a buy a little crypto. Every ten minutes BTC hammers in a new stake 🙂

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