When you’re starting your first job, or even just starting a new job, it’s important to keep a few things in mind, especially when it comes to your finances and investing. In this video, I’ll break it down for you. http://bit.ly/2tlqpiv

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how to invest, getting a job, what is a 401k, personal finance, health insurance, healthcare, how to get a job, job search,



  1. I'm thinking about a capital one brokerage account with a $6.30 fee do you  recommend anther safe brokerage account with lower fees.      thanks any input is thanked

  2. I'm going to respectfully disagree with the advice given in this video (as both a recruiter and a hiring manager).

    Young people seeking an employment opportunity should NOT ask these questions up front. It comes across as very self-serving. I do agree with the value of knowing up front, but these are items that can be found online doing basic research (with the exception of the self-directed brokerage account exception, which should not be requested up front).

    I usually love your videos, but wanted to do a PSA not to do these up front inquiries with a prospective employer. It can make the difference in you being perceived as high-maintenance–and in this market, there's just too much talent to choose from–this can get you excluded quickly. There's also an expectation that you will take the initiative to do your own research.

  3. Could you make a video on investor relations for smaller companies/start-ups? I understand how the process works in general but I feel like you'll have some good insight to this topic.

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