Becoming newlyweds requires you and your spouse to approach your finances a little differently than you did in your single years. Here are some tips and tricks for you to get your finances in order now that you’re a married couple.

One thing’s for sure… you’re going to need to work on paying off your debts together. Use my Get Out of Debt Checklist to make the process as pain-free as possible. Click the link above for your free download.

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  1. "….I am kidding"

    LOL !!!
    I watch youtube, but almost never give thumbs, almost never follow any channel, never laugh this much enough especially when hear financial advice, never feel any such funny yet good financial advice…but, you are different Mr. Phil.

    Very nice to watch some of your video.
    Some give me enligthment and some make me think critically about investing.
    I love investing.

    May be it is a coincidence when I found one of your this video series..but seriously, it is funny and usefull advice…

    Hope you keep create a great content Mr. Phil

    God speed!

  2. I'm getting married soon and find your advice so helpful. My partner and I argued mostly on financial problem, now we know we should put our emotions apart when it comes to money talk. Thanks for the advice, Phil. 🙂

  3. Hi Phil, (1) If you agree we may have separate accounts, why don't you think we can (responsibly) manage our debt separately?  I don't want to burden her with my large principle (2.5% interest rate) student loans which I am servicing ad infinitem.   Also, (2) we have a ledger system coupled with our joint account which allows us to pay joint expenses 50-50, which keeps the ownership of the marriage fair and peaceful.  The exceptions to 50-50 is that I pay proportionally more of the taxes since I make more income and I'll pick up some extra proportions on high end items on which I want more features like an auto. (3) Married 17 years and counting!!!… ~Mark M.

  4. Finances are a team effort at our house. We merged our accounts into one after dating for only 2 months haha! Looking back, I understand why everyone was so concerned;) But today (almost 14 years later) it still works and we are working on your transformational investing course together towards financial freedom. ✌️

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