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Investors Underground
Day trading chat

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  1. someone else said it like a year ago ya it exploded lol and continues too ..he’d hope to learn nasdaqs soon hahahaha ……his profit chart is stupid now

  2. Really disciplined trader, even when he was tarting out. 6 months to become profitable is impressive as hell. I'm a year in and barely seeing some consistency, and without the huge "$2200" gains he had, im playing with way smaller size to keep emotions in check. But ill get there one day

  3. Wish they would make these interviews less of an investors underground plug. The traders could literally be like "I never even considered subscribing to investors underground" and cam will be like "right. so investors underground helped you tremendously. can you go into detail on how it helped you?"

  4. EPIC Inspiration!!! Ive been waiting on a video from you guys, do yall have an Instagram????? (p.s. haven't even watched this video yet but I know you guys are awesome so im predicting the epicness, lol..)

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