? Thank you for the likes and comments.
? My recommended exchange is CoinBase: http://bit.ly/2hZh8bg
? Recommended wallet is the Ledger Nano S: http://bit.ly/2xeymFX
☄️ Time-stamps!
00:31 Goldman Sachs Bitcoin Tweet
1:08 Anti Bitcoin Billboard?
1:55 Trading Too Emotionally
2:31 Amazon Bitcoin Petition
4:07 Alt coins overtaking Bitcoin
5:55 Market Recap
6:29 Etherem’s Byzantium Attack
7:05 Japan and South Korea Importance
7:40 Top 10 Talked About Alt Coins
? More of me:
◆ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@crypto-daily
◆ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Crypto_Daily
◆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecryptodaily/
◆ onG Social: https://ong.social/cryptodaily
⚡ No donations accepted! But if you would like to support me, please consider sharing this vid. Thank you!
⭐ Links!
◆ Goldman Sachs Tweet: http://bit.ly/2xhl9iC
◆ Airport Billboard: http://bit.ly/2y0ahEW
◆ Emotional Trading: http://bit.ly/2xUXD8e
◆ Amazon Petition: http://bit.ly/2y1rjTp
◆ Japanese Energy: http://bit.ly/2xS6aLB
◆ AltCoin Overtaking Bitcoin Thread: http://bit.ly/2yIaLg1
◆ Ethereum TestNet Attack: http://bit.ly/2xT1t4c
◆ Importance of Japan and South Korea: http://bit.ly/2fQZmXE
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle.



  1. I've started to invest in cryptos 6/7 weeks ago. In the beginning, I did a some FOMO investments, however, it could have hit me harder. So I'm still in the game. I also have an investment plan that stats to invest 10% of my monthly profits (I'm doing Amazon FBA/brand building and advanced online marketing).

    However, I was wondering if you would share your opinion on LISK? Since my initial mistakes, I did research more thoroughly and think that LISK looks right now very interesting. Yet I am unsure….

    Would be great to get your point of view. Thanks.

  2. That tweet is a monster. GS is the smartest money. Disclaimer not to listen to you is good, dont follow your own advice, funny, I think we all have this problem sometimes, as our brain does arrive at the right conclusion, yet we do what our passion wants. Light show awesome. I love barrage mode, it a physical rush for me to hear you guys. Japan comes through again. They started the robotics in consumer goods, and now they lead the way in Crypto. Well done Abe. Just heard you coming to see me. I knew that but hearing it here, is surreal. Ty Sir.

  3. Thank you for your videos! May you can have a look at VIBE and TKR? VIBE has HitBTC listing on 10th October and plattform launch on 15th. TKR already has an app and a nice product for crypto traders (predictions, machine AI learning analysis, paid subscribtion model for users wo want to share, simulations, …) Desktop client in the making there. Both with low market cap.

  4. Hey Crypto Daily Dude. Been watching daily (tho not on Sundays) for over a month now and it seems weird I don't know your name. I dont know whether thats intentionally witheld or whether I just missed it or what? Totally respect if its a privacy thing…it matters not one Iota in the grand scheme…well apart from if you adopt a formulaic Chris Coney style intro. That would be bad. Whose not thinking bellend when he does that? (do quite like watching em tho).

    As a marketing bod tho I wonder whether this is hodling back your inevitable dominance of the crypto space or whether its actually a bit of marketing genius.

    Have a great time in the US.

  5. lool
    the ending
    i cant believe i was waiting and waiting qhile the screen was dark omg

    btw u mentioned VIBE, do they have a working product?
    why is their market cap so low if you don't mind me asking?

  6. There are plenty of ways to deal with returns – you could hold coins in an escrow type account until the end of possible return period. You could also have policies about returns with store credit reimbursement only if paid in bitcoin. Stores need to get creative.

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