My top 3 cryptocurrency picks for September 2017


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Bitcoin: 3ENm2XRVACaaEEwRqMZNYt9Zf1K1yWicUX
Ethereum (& ERC 20 tokens): 0x8cb2838f3F5e43FCCeEF696D3570D3762968F118
Ripple: rDsbeomae4FXwgQTJp9Rs64Qg9vDiTCdBv
Litecoin: MB9Z1bZHf72qNa3439nDoEcdHdUWMAshbq
Dash: XrucvJa2F3GLfqn3h8MQPww16i9rHN5Lae
NEO: APPViiDBuQn8NcKqgzX31jQ2ySaP2kW47L



  1. New crypto coin had arrived, open ICO now until end of September 2017.
    Name : Msd ( before was Mscoin )
    Company : Monspace Net Inc ( OTCMarket quote : MSNI )
    Starting price : US$0.1/coin
    Supply max : Msd only
    Not Mineable, but can be bought, sold and exchangeable later. Also can be used at for paying method.
    Also check the company website at :
    Wallet :

    Email me if interested:

  2. DONATE. We are raising a fund for a critically-ill kid who is battling his life with ventilator support. I request all the kind-hearted people over there to spare with some coins to bring some smile on the kid's parents. Thanks in advance even for the single Satoshi you deposit here…..1KkRRMBd2MxyKpuz3dHenX99EkxidbE9VN May all your near and dear ones be blessed!

  3. I asked substratum if they will still be on bittrex given the recent sec ruling and they said that they will not be and they never bothered to correct that in their white paper and every time I go in there stack people are complaining about slow token release. Good idea but don't trust the team. Thanks for the video

  4. I have around 1TH of Ethereum mining power.
    I've been considering moving to ubiq for some time.
    I can mine 8-10 UBQ per day instead of ~0.2 – 0.3 eth per day .

    I hold everything I mine.

    Right now eth mining has more profit. But if I hold ubiq and it grows in value then it could be much more profit in the long run.

    Would you switch it to ubiq now ?

  5. Hey bro what do u think about tezos platform can u make a review like u did in eos? I agree with u they said that going to be better then ethereum and made a eos token on ethereum lol with no product

  6. Thanks for all those amazing videos and the detailed research. Good call on Ubiq!! Did you research the following currencies and ICOs? – NXT , QTUM (chinese blockchain platform considering the rest rise of NEO), PIVX (considering that privacy currencies' popularity in Korea exchanges) Kyber network ICO (Chinese market is huge), TRON etc. I would like to hear your take on it 🙂

  7. Great video! Super! What o you think of these coins: QTUM is the NEO of Singapore, The ETH of SE Asia, Bytecoin is a better privacy coin then Monero and around since 2012 (longer then Monero) and BTS is very active with their DEV team and was 8x it's current price. BCN recently got active with Development too.

    Bitshares is polling it's customers as to which development they want next. Very good development team. Thanks I'm sorry that I have to discuss things I don't like about Bitcoin and Bcash (especially) in my video. I hope it doesn't offend you, but it's just for environmental reasons. I quit my job also to do youtube videos about cryptos… well mainly trade actually.

  8. Thanks for the input ! Ubiq is interesting !
    My opinion for September : LISK , LITECOIN , ETHEREUM .
    LITECOIN will do better then DASH , just me…

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