In investing, knowledge is power. You must equip yourself with knowledge to make smart, profitable investing decisions. Today, I share the top 3 investing books that I highly recommend you read, no matter how experienced you are as an investor.

You can get all of the books from this video here:

– “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham (

– “The Education of a Value Investor” by Guy Spier (

– “The Dhando Investor” by Mohnish Pabrai (

For more book recommendations, check out my Top 10 Best Investing Books That Every Investor Should Read, click the link above.
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  1. which is the best book for learning how to read a companies' financials/balance sheets so i can identify an amazing stock to buy and hold and collect a little something as a shareholder.

  2. I was expecting that you would recommend your own and I would not be surprised if you did. I really appreciate your videos. They really give me a strong foundation in investing which I started just a month ago. I have 'The intelligent investor'. I have read the introduction and a few pages of Warren. I will read it very soon. Again, thank you! ?

  3. The Little Book on Common Sense Investing by John Bogle. Obviously, The Intelligent Investor is the bible. I don't own individual securities yet, but am looking for a wonderful company on sale. I am doing the steps from Invested, but just am not there yet. Much to most fans of this channel's dislike I am all index funds for the time being.

  4. I just finished reading "Unshakeable" by Tony Robbins. I found that book filled with good tips and strategies that are worthed to know. Tony shares some of the "Rule # 1" principles and also compiles other successful investors' thinking in this book. At the end of the book, Tony provides and insightful chapter about self development that is a great complement to a good investor. This book was written in 2017 and has good recent information.

  5. I read no books at all because I'm dyslexic. However, I spend a lot of time everyday learning about investment, business, technology, future trend & real estate. I'm a successful commercial real estate investor.

  6. Hello. What do you think about Security Analysis by Ben Graham ? i have got one in first edition, but it is too dificult to read, i believe because i am not native speaker. But i would like to know your opinion about that book. Thank you

  7. Hi, I enjoyed your video on a compound growth approach to building knowledge through reading, as per Warren Buffett's advice. I also want to check out the last two books on your recommended list as I'm a fan of Graham's Intelligent Investor and already have it on my shelf. I have also written a book on investing called Essentials of Investing – and while I don't claim that it'll be the next biggest book on investing, certainly not on a level with the Graham book, e.g., it shares some pearls of wisdom that I've learned over the years as an investment advisor and investment model developer.
    Essentials of Investing is about passive investing strategies for the everyday individual investor. The book is educational – covering key practical concepts of investing. I'm planning to run a FREE kdp sale promotion in a few days and would really appreciate a review on Amazon for my new eBook. The book comes with a really informative video course as well to help you run a balanced long-term passive investment portfolio. The book is packed with some really key practical concepts. If you're interested, I can provide you with a pdf version before the kdp sales promotion takes place. But in order to write an Amazon review, you would have to actually buy a free copy through their site. The sales isn't on yet, but will be within a week's time. Here's a link to the eBook Thanks so much for your consideration, Rich Warner

  8. Great list! In addition to those 3 I highly recommend:

    4.) Warren Buffett's 3 Favorite Books (by Preston Pysh)
    5.) Warren Buffett Accounting Book (by Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen)
    6.) Financial Statements: A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports

  9. Hi Phil.. Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.. I recently started reading your book rule#1… And its so captivating.. I wish I came across you during my teens.. But any case even at 36 yrs if age.. I'm learning.. If you ever happen to come to India please let us know.. It will be an opportunity to hear from you… Best regards

  10. I don't think Intelligent Investor is a good first investing book to read. Yes that's the best book written on investing but not good for beginners.
    When I started reading it as my first book I that was so overwhelming I couldn't understand what Graham had to say. What the hell was NASADAQ, S&P 500, Bond Market!!!
    Rule #1 was quite simple to understand and then progressing to One Up, Beating Street etc. And then when I read Intelligent Investor that all made sense!

  11. My book recommendation is an extension of the theme simple, but not easy. So here goes : “Margin of Safety” by Seth Klarman. Simple because, as the title suggests, it is all about value investing. Not easy, because it has a substantial moat around it. The moat is that it is almost impossible to find!
    It has become a collector’s item, routinely stolen from any public library that dared to place it on their shelves. I recently found that Goodwill was selling one for $645, easily 20x its (1991 publishing date) retail price. This darn thing has sold online for upwards of $2000 and I’ve seen sets of it’s photocopied pages assembled together and sold for several hundred bucks. It’s crazy, but crazy like a fox.

  12. Louis Rukeyser wrote a number of investing books, of which I read his "How to Make Money in Wall Street". It's a fun read and does a great job of explaining all the technical details of investing, as well as giving some helpful advice.

  13. Their is two sides to every stock transaction. Knowing why people sell their stock or short sell a stock and whether this reason will harm the stock long term is important .I find learning from short sellers has improved my long investing. I highly recommend the books Dead Companies Walking, What's Behind The numbers and The Art of Short Selling to understand whether the stocks we own have the characteristics of an excellent long investment or a classic short candidate.

  14. One of my favorite books on investing is called WINNING THE LOSER'S GAME by Charles Ellis. I definitely recommend this to all new investors, as it will teach you how to be careful and intelligent with your core portfolio. Ellis is an Investing Pro who has been in the game over 50 years and has taught Finance classes at Harvard & Yale. His teachings will allow the novice and pro alike, a safer passage through the minefield of the investing landscape. Never buy an individual stock, I repeat never, unless you have read Ellis first.

  15. phil my Favourite investing Book Would have to be the richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason .and then Followed by The Barefoot investor by Scott Pape up dated 2017 the only money guide you'll ever need .

  16. Thanks for the recommendation Phil. I have read the two of the three you mentioned, I will pick up Guy's book for summer reading. My favorite book on investing is Mark Wizards by Jack D. Schwager and honorable mention to Fortune's Formula by William Poundstone. These are some phenomenal books worth reading.

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