My top 5 cryptocurrencies for the 4th and last quarter of 2017 with Civic, Verge and more!


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Bitcoin: 3ENm2XRVACaaEEwRqMZNYt9Zf1K1yWicUX
Ethereum (& ERC 20 tokens): 0x8cb2838f3F5e43FCCeEF696D3570D3762968F118
Ripple: rDsbeomae4FXwgQTJp9Rs64Qg9vDiTCdBv
Litecoin: MB9Z1bZHf72qNa3439nDoEcdHdUWMAshbq
Dash: XrucvJa2F3GLfqn3h8MQPww16i9rHN5Lae
NEO: APPViiDBuQn8NcKqgzX31jQ2ySaP2kW47L



  1. STOP TALKING ABOUT THE DAMN TECHNOLOGY! it does not matter for investors. There is no mainstream use for these coins. The value now is determined by pump and dump. When you have a coin with so much supply it is worthless to the investors. Verge for example, you will need to double the current market cap to sniff 0.01 (1penny) !!!!!!!!!!! That's at least 2 years away.

  2. Have a lots of civic. I Just hodl all my coins. If the companies go under I lose everything or get rich in 5 years. Lots of the companies we invest in can takes years to turn us a huge profit. Stock market 2.0.

  3. A quesion for you! Blackmoon is live now but its already at 0.72cents. While the sale price was at 1.00usd. I understand the drop a little bit because of the decreasing bitcoin price but what are your thoughts about blackmoon? I invested 1 eth in it but i have no experience yet with a ico investing.

  4. Hi, I really like your videos, keep up the good work!

    Also, it would be awesome, if you did a recap of this video in december! Would be nice to be reminded of the predictions and to see if they came through or not.

  5. I feel like you make very good points as to why certain coins can have value in the future, but I also feel like you only explain why NEM will rise in Q4 of 2017 (new version of their code). The other coins are obviously valuable but there is no major news/events coming up that you mentioned in this video. Or am I mistaking?
    I like your videos a lot though, so take this as constructive criticism instead of negativity.

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