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How much money do you want to make by the time you retire? Leave a comment below!
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Million dollar, but want to spend in India
it is not millionaire in the traditional sense unless you have at least tenth of billion dollars.
Always good stuff man. Living above your means is never a good idea. Millionaires are no different. Most of them got where they are by being smart with finances.
Great share. Aimin to b a millionaire too
A million dollars is not a lot of money these days.
3 million is ok. 5 million would be great
I want to become a millionaire before i retired . What good those are those money ? if your old and tired all the time
Hey Phil, I'm 23 and want to increase my financial literacy. I am waiting for the right opportunity and plan on doing research, but what newspapers, websites or podcasts do you think are credible when doing research to learn about possible companies?
How much money do you have to stack up by the time you retire? :Started age 23 almost 25. 20k in looking for 40k-60k invested by age 28.
Thanks Phil for another wonderful video. I just wish I knew you 20 years ago and I also wish if this type of knowledge is exposed to high school kids.
And I found Danielle's Invested book very relevant.
Can someone tell me where this guy's neck is?
Recessions destroy all your plans if you get laid off every 5 to 10 years. Its that simple. Economy has been shit since 1970.
Do you know that research suggests that more than half of all multi-millionaries inherit their wealth?
Phil, long time listener first time commenter here
I have enjoyed your book! I have watched most of your videos. If I can make a suggestion. What people are looking from youtube personalities these days is a bit more mentor teacher journey together. Let's find the value stocks together. Lets talk about them in your videos. Lets look at your personal portfolio where you teach by example and demonstrate your thinking behind specific purchase decisions. Lets look at the performance of your portfolio. The proof is in the pudding as they say. Many folks who follow you have already gotten over the "you can do it too…" It would be nice to grow from here.
Hello Phil, Great video as usual! I am in my early 50's so I would like to retire at 65 and have 3K a month for 30 years (God willing I live that long). For me 1,000,000 liquid in Euros! I live in Europe.
Always humbling to be reminded that most millionaires live just like normal people.
This video is 100% accurate :). Keep up the awesome videos, Phil!
Most young people make bad discussion..dont have dream like i did .its easy 1 buy cheap house pay cash 2 drive cheap car 3 use your income to build your wealth..i can't wait for next resection to come i can buy stocks cheap again
1.3M will do just fine … no need for massive amounts.. lol
A quarter of the way there, Phil. Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work !
13 million