My thoughts are with the family and friends, and Great Britain in general, after the suicide bombing at the Manchester Arena last night.

This is my most recent and investment: WeTrust.
One of the most promising cryptocurrencies around if you ask me.

Get on the cryptotrain, it’s leaving!


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Ethereum (& ERC 20 tokens): 0x8cb2838f3F5e43FCCeEF696D3570D3762968F118
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  1. Dude, you're awesome. You got your research on point! Very nice XRP and XEM prediction, I'm new to this 'crypto-game' if I had only come across your channel 1 month ago, I would've been the happiest dude alive :)) I would really appreciate if you'd give me your top 5 picks for now, after the rise and fall..I'd like to invest 5k in 5 different cryptos, 1k in each. Based on speculation and research, which currencies do you think could boom like XEM in the near future? Do you think this is one of them and could you give me your top 5 picks? Thanx in advance.

  2. Interesting coin but how are they going to prevent fraud with it? They want to be a decentralized insurance company, but if it is decentralized, then who is going to check if you have the right to claim money from them?

  3. In order to participate in a ROSCA, I will need to go on the open market and purchase TRST coins. At some point, I will need to exchange them back into my local currency. This introduces: #1) foreign exchange risk (Can ROSCA participants, who presumably don't have a ton of money, really afford to have this risk/uncertainty??) #2) transaction fees (Coinbase, for example, charges 1.5% in and another 1.5% out.) Conclusion: WeTrust may very well be LESS efficient than how ROSCAs are currently organized. I welcome others' thoughts though.

  4. I like your videos so much
    i use them for learn english and cryptocurrency at the same time 🙂 .
    I dont have money for donation that you deserve , but in the future… ''never say never'' 🙂

  5. Ik zou ook wel interesse hebben om deze groep eens te bekijken. Ben ook begonnen met te investeren in enkele coins en wil er wel wat meer over leren.

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