Lightning Labs announced that they released their 0.4.0 beta version of the lightning network. It’s expected to be in its first public version some time this year. Here is what the Lightning Network is and what the advantages are.


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  1. you want dams fast transactions with low cost? and maybe want also to add the possibility to go full stealth so no one can trce back you? better call for another tech like that implemented by privacy coin like monero dash deeponion verge and so on, look, iìyou have a lot from where to choose, that means they are going to be next hot thing 😉

  2. What an interesting network. Do you know any other cryptocurrency that uses this kind of network?

    By the way, I've been following DeepOnion and I would like that you take a look and try to explain it to everyone if you like it due to all features that it has and how the network of DeepSend will work. It's quite interesting, isn't it?

  3. Oh that is something new to me, indeed Bitcoin will need that. But for me, being fast is one thing, beings secured is another. Bitcoin is not the safest in terms of its technology used. That is why some of my my investments are on privacy coins such as PIVX, Dash and DeepOnion.

  4. Bitcoin has been performed a very slow and expensive transaction. And bad anonymity/security if I compare it with some modern privacycoins(monero, Deeponion). Hope this lighting network could save the old king of cryptocurrencies.

  5. Lightning network is a huge development for Bitcoin but it doesn't solve all of Bitcoin's concerns. Bitcoin transactions are not private and the mixing services that do exist for Bitcoin are done through third-parties which carries inherent risk. I'm a big fan of Bitcoin but I also keep some privacy coins around, my favorite being DeepOnion. DeepOnion wallet is natively integrated with the latest version of TOR, has Stealth Addresses and will utilize the DeepProtocol, a zero knowledge protocol for the ultimate privacy.

  6. I would like to request a video about the privacy niche in crypto. I think privacy is really important and it might get even bigger and bigger as time passes by. I think there are some really great projects such as Monero or DeepOnion, the latter has a low market cap and still a lot of room to grow. It would be really nice if we could see a video about this topic and go in deeper ( no pun intended ) into the fundamentals etc

  7. Thanks to the lightning network, BTC is in a much better position than it has been for the past months when fees were ridiculously high. I hope the miners will still support BTC in the long term.

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