What is the difference between a limit and market order?

Market order
Think of a market order as paying the market price when buying or really selling a stock, meaning you would pay whatever price is necessary to get your shares.

Limit order
When it comes to a limit order, you get to specify the price you want to pay for the stock. You get favorable pricing, but you may not get filled with your order if your price is not met.

When should you use market order or limit order?
When do you use one of the other? Well, market order is great if you need to get into a stock right away, really fast, typically day trading, and you’re trading liquid stocks.

Posted at: http://investinghelpdesk.com/66-difference-between-a-limit-market-order/



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  1. I use ameritrade and my limit orders are never bought at the limit I set..??
    For example I put a limit order on KHC for 33.00 and it bought at 33.47..
    I put an order in for TSLA at 220.00 and the 1st day it said I bought at 219.17 but now it says I bought at 221.37…
    This doesnt mean much to me at the moment because I deal in low volume, but fifty cents on a $30 stock can really add up for someone dealing in hundreds or thousands of shares.. What am I not understanding about this??

  2. my definition between the two? ALWAYS use limit orders. i am new to trading stocks, but i, fortunately, learned this lesson with profit taken.

    there is so much to learn trading stocks, and i believe that the learning will never end.
    patience, limit orders and taking profit are my biggest takeaways.

  3. Question, I always use limits now since being a little more experienced with trading. However, last month I was selling all my shares using a limit and my brokerage broke the shares into fractional / partial shares and I'm not sure why. Would you guess that was because of my order type I used? Or something my brokerage does? Have you ever heard of anything like that before?

  4. Why are my orders not being filled? My situation.. I bought a stock and it fell a few days later.. so I bought more… A few days later it fell a bit more and I'm trying to buy more but my order is not bieng filled!

  5. what program is that? thanks! very helpful video. etrade is forcing me to do limit orders on a particular stock (im guessing so all the big guys can get their after-hours orders in). hoping when the market opens i get what i want 🙂

  6. limit orders are asking for a specific price limit or better(sell $1 or higher), but can you place an order for only a specific price(only $1) no more or less, in the market? would you be able to directly negotiate with another buyer in this way OTC?

  7. Hi sasha. Hope your having a great day. 🙂

    I followed your advice with an account of $1500. My account is now at the moment $6,200 and growing at $126 a day. I just want to thank you and may God bless you and your family for helping me become financially free. If their us anything I can do. Please let me know.

  8. Hi sasha. Hope your having a great day. 🙂

    I followed your advice with an account of $1500. My account is now at the moment $6,200 and growing at $126 a day. I just want to thank you and may God bless you and your family for helping me become financially free. If their us anything I can do. Please let me know.

  9. very nice of everyone who bought into amazon during the time this video was uploaded. i, in 2018 believe amazon's current stock of $1,296 is still the beginning of this amazing company. I believe it will not be ran by people who private brand but instead be its own private brander company without the need to use other companies to fulfill their inventory. Who knows, but I think amazon is the company that will have a shot to do this.

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