Libra, a cryptocurrency backed by Facebook, is already making headlines all around the globe. Why is the Libra project considered so disruptive and what will be its impact on the cryptocurrency industry and on the global financial system? Matthias Weissle, CEO at Swiss-based venture capital firm Verum Capital gave us his perspective in an exclusive interview.
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What is the Future of Libra?
Libra is really kicking up a FOMO storm for Bitcoin and other cryptos. Featured a lot on my channel too – if you enjoy comedy and nonsense alongside your crypto news.
Libra is as if the fox issues money for chicken, and he says is for humanitarian goals. How could you trust digital money (not a cryptocurrency at all!) coined by a consortium of huge corporations? Please read the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper in order you can wash your ignorance about cryptocurrencies. The banks are cautious? The banks created Libra!
Libra – another starsign similar to the Winklevoss's Gemini.
It's great that you go to the horse's mouth and we get to hear them speak.
Once Libra hits exchanges I’ll be a vacuum for BTC.
Over glorified private ledger
(possible )Mass adoption vs Store of Value
Libra is like the fox watching the henhouse
Libra or Steem?
Did Social Media Token take off yet?
Zuckerberg announced his curiosity on cryptocurrency about when the Cambridge Analytica scandal occurred, but while the public outraged over their activities with privacy violations, we missed that part. I remember writing about my skepticism then, on their affront to exploring how to exploit the cryptocurrency sphere…here it is…(
I do not trust FB, they never added value to its customers. i even would prefer google since they add real value to the users in return to datas. anyway nobody needs FB to bank the unbanked, there is Bitcoin which will do the job.
?Grayscale is buying ether classic?
Libra will be a great on ramp to BTC. That is all.
I doubt Libra will ever be decentralized. Who would govern the backing value?.. Aint going to happen guys. This is the best attempt to hyjack central banking yet. This is true crypto we need to be afraid of! #GlobalEnslavementCoin
Libra is a digital currency that’s back by usd
Cointelegraph shilling for Libra?