It’s not news to anyone that the U.S. stock market has had quite a few good years in a row now. It’s actually been the longest bull market in American history. But nothing good lasts forever. So what are the real drivers of a recession, and are we headed for a new one in the coming year?

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  1. Aloha Phil! Not sure if I’m asking this question correctly, but here goes:
    Does the addition of robo stuffs in the investing world mean bots will buy the dips and prolong the economic rise?

  2. In Australia the recession is
    Because 80% of the population
    Get free money from a leftist socialist feminist government
    40% on welfare and
    40% fake public servant's jobs
    ,, Middle class welfare,,
    And in Australia it's only
    Leaves 18% of there population to
    Pay all the taxation

  3. Hello,

    I have two questions:
    – Will the recession make the interest rates on loans change, let's say you have a line of credit that's currently at 7%, could it go up or down?

    – If you have 10 000$ in your savings account today that's just sitting there, should you wait until the recession to invest it or invest it today?

  4. It computes for me. There is actually high inflation in assets (or at least there was over the last five years). Low interest rates haven't caused much a rise in salaries nor commodity inflation (yet) because the money put into the system by low loose monetary policy has not gone to low and mid income workers. And that's the problem.

  5. If you have money during a recession, you're golden.
    That said, I think this one is gonna hurt…..things aren't how they should be and the Fed doesn't have anything in it's deck to create a floor to a downturn.

  6. If the Fed monetizes debt again and doesn't allow the market to cleanse itself from malinvestments, how severe will the following recession be if the Fed never allows the system to liquidate bad players in the market place?

  7. Regional quantitative easing. Driven by local optimism. The reverse happens when things look grim. Quantitative tightening. Not Fed driven at all. See Beaumont, Texas in the mid 1980's.

  8. Somebody makes $100,000 and spends it so somebody else has a $100,000 job 'but nobody is making any money' – I don't get the logic of this, surely both people are making $100,000 dollars?

  9. I think we are not far off from a recession because seems like who ever is pulling the strings in the shadows of our government wants to put all these socialist wack jobs in power and they can't win with a good stock market and economy.

  10. Is it possible our current low inflation and growth rates are more due to demographics than economics?

    Until the Gen Y / Millennials hit their economic stride, growth and consumption will be adversely impacted — compounded by student and other debt.

    IMO, the slow growth will continue until the Gen Y and Gen Z cohorts come into their own. Then, it will be the 1970's all over again.

  11. Can you make a video on how you value banks and insurance companies if it is any different than MOS/PBT/10CAP methods you use to value other companies? Do you use zombie value methodology to get a discount on the balance sheet assets for these types of financial companies?

  12. But Phil Town we may not witness another Great Recession. It could be 2 mild recessions spaced out a few years. Then what do we do?

    Also, the current marker P/E is not that high. I could see stocks pulling back 10-25%. Prior to the Great Recession many companies had outrageous valuations. Today they are nowhere as bad.

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