Most of the time, successful investing is a waiting game. Just as there are poor times to sell your stocks, there are poor times to buy them as well, and sitting on money while you wait for a better opportunity is often one of the best investing decisions that you can make.

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  1. This was over a year ago and still no crash. Do you regret not having $$$ in market and are u still waiting? What about someone just starting without a lot to invest? Do u recommend they dollar cost average for awhile ro get their cash up?

  2. I don't know if you are right about this approach, but I like the way you think and it is how I think. The market went crazy ever since 1980. I think the S&P500 would be about 400 today, not 2200 if it continued normal linear growth instead of the bubbles which keep getting inflated. The thing is that they might be able to keep inflating those bubbles for over 100 years or more because the rest of the world goes to the dollar as a shelter if their systems are worse and I think they are. So, the larger the system the slower it falls.

  3. So, I just stumbled upon this video a year plus after its release. A very good year investing wise. If I do get into cash..what can I do with my cash to make SOME money. I'm 60 and can't afford NOT to make money…

  4. Timing the market is one of the greatest sins when it comes to investing. You can't predict the direction of where the market is going. So if you try to predict when the next recession is going to happen and you let your cash just sit there for years, considering the inflation rate is on average 2% per year, and it doesn't come, you've just missed the opportunity of compounding while losing money. Not even most finance professionals can't beat the market. According to SPIVA U.S. scorecard, 94% of finance managers have failed to beat the market.

    Just invest in the index, and when a recession does actually occur, DON'T sell because it will go back up. Just invest more into the stock market.

  5. The US is now collage of amazing companies that reflect an image of coveted lifestyle that is now going global like never in History so I think that old patterns will be broken in this major shift….ie a longer bull run. Thank you for the information on this video however, because it should keep people sober and alert. I know of so many families who got hurt by dad's who just could not help themselves but to sit on there cans all day and gamble their children's welfare away instead of going to be a blessing to their job, live smart, and do a 10 mortgage. Where your heart is there will be your treasure.

  6. hi phil i love your videos. My question is and hope you have the time to answer.. I'm selling my stocks, mutual funds, etfs, etc and moving them to bonds and bonds funds.. i did a research and this bonds funds fell about10-20% in the 2008 crash while the stocks some of them fell 50% so doing this I'm covering 30% loss gap plus still making some 7% annually if the market dont crash plus the monthly dividends.. could be this a good strategy or the bonds fell down as much stocks in an eminent recession?? thank you1!!!

  7. Been waiting for over a year now. Should have been dollar cost averaging over time, and there have been a few pull backs to add extra cash during this buying opportunity. Looking for the S&P 500 to reach the 3100's in the future. Yes we are due for a downturn, not quite there yet.

  8. Hi Phil, I've been playing the stock market for a year now on CBD penny stocks pump and dump, I always wait till the stock drops to the original price at its low and usually it goes $0.02 or $0.04 higher and I sell. But I've been watching a lot on the economy and people say that the stock market will crash, I'm not a rich person I have some money but I would like to know which stocks would be the best ones to buy when the market crashes. Could you please give me a list of the best ones you believe would be the Best Buy for return a few years later? Thank you.

  9. I think earning money from the stock exchange, makes me bad when there are people working so hard for the sweat money. Is there any chance the stock market can have some impact on extra poor or helping the unemployment? Especially in the UK? The Brexit will cause the crash !!!! for Sure

  10. I am a very small investor. What you say here really makes a lot of sense. From 2008-2010 I saw a lot of things drop way below their historical values. That was when I decided to sink a bit of my savings into the market in old stable companies that I felt were just down due to the market downturn and nothing going significantly wrong with the companies. A few years later I sold most of those stocks when the market was stronger and made money on every one of them. I understand the consistent monthly deposits into a mutual fund. But wouldn´t I be wiser to just wait buy the same mutual funds when the entire market is way down? I could just keep those funds in savings and wait? Then when the market recovers again I sell and keep my money mostly liquid until the next significant drop.

  11. I have raked in huge returns in the market since this video released one year ago. If everyone could predict the timing of the market everyone would be billionaires. I am however slowing my roll and stacking the cash as I smell a bear around the corner.

  12. I keep doing valuations on companies I’d like to own, but as you said my figures and numbers are so far below the stock price. I almost feel like I’m doing it incorrectly. I’m trying to be patient though and keep checking my tools and prices.

  13. I put $50,000 into gold and silver in 2013 and waited for a crash. That was literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.

    Waiting for a crash does only one thing: helps you miss opportunities for years. It did for me. Guess what? My money has gained nothing in gold and silver

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