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  1. BTC digital gold couldn't save the status quo if 6 billion slaves' lives depended on it.
    BCH pls. Kindly, fuck regulated commerce and gold backed ponzis. Fuck fed reserve.
    And fuck everything that is a substitute for your own role in a world that desperately needs you to step up.

  2. Im excited by this weekly update (although Im always excited to see your videos) What about Alan Greenspan being part of or even being THE Satishi N?

  3. I love it how Institutions say "Bitcoin" is bad (due to dangerous competitive philosophy) and then proclaim a change of heart and that "Blockchain" is good (because it can be co-opted into their incumbent philosophy)… People get fooled into thinking "Bitcoin", "Blockchain" or "Crypto" are all one in the same, but they are not. Bitcoin was a wonderfully efficient fortress that has been under a relentless and determined siege for a long time. Every effort has been made to infiltrate, sabotage, co-opt it by forces of absolute strength. Every aspect from "media" to "mining" to "developmental forks" to "financialisation" have served to wear it down until it exists in name only, its foundation turned to dust, its message and meaning forgotten or worse; misunderstood.

  4. Hi, I completely agree that we should all still look beyond all the hype and FOMO of crypto and see the starting idea of Bitcoin! great idea of a new series! looking forward to see episode 2!

  5. agreed , very true, that too many are just focusing on crypto for investment to get more Fiat, vs the use as a P2P, which should be a focus and still could be a direction for the future, will be interesting to see how things work out in next many years, hopefully for the better, good video and thanks for sharing Sincerely JR of Exciting World Cryptos

  6. Forgive me if you have already brought this to your viewers attention, but I'm not seeing anyone talking about the OTC sales of Bitcoin and its impact on positive price movement for bitcoin. Scary they are hoarding behind the scenes. The amount of bitcoin off the block could kill any upward movement if they approve ETF. It needs to be addressed and the SEC definitely needs to investigate these 3rd party OTC folks. Thx in advance

  7. Hi Heidi
    proving as always that you are one step ahead of everyone. Great idea to bring several episodes on the origin of crypto. Thank you for that.
    The work you do brings crypto to the main stage. Continue your amazing journey 🙂

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