? News of the alt coins. In case you were wondering what the title meant.
? My Favourite Exchange: https://goo.gl/xvvjrt
? KuCoin: https://goo.gl/aC6Z7d
? Buy Bitcoin Through Coinbase: https://goo.gl/KNeSvo
? Recommended Wallet – Ledger Nano S: https://goo.gl/ejMrcu

☄️ Time-stamps!
00:22 Market Cap Rising
00:48 Random Crap ICO
01:18 Top Coin Rebound
01:50 No Regulation
2:52 Alt Coin News

? More of me:
◆ Join the Slack Community!: www.ichatcrypto.com
◆ onG Social: https://ong.social/cryptodaily
◆ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@crypto-daily
◆ Instagram: @crypto_daily
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◆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecryptodaily/

⚡ No donations accepted, but if you’d like to support me, please throw this video a like!

⭐ Links!
◆ US Government: http://bit.ly/2FcFtCI
◆ OMG: http://bit.ly/2sDBLiy & http://bit.ly/2sAa3TT
◆ Enjin: http://bit.ly/2CqNUXY
◆ Tron: http://bit.ly/2Gm6kLN

? Clips!
Bitcoin – Ellen DeGeneres

Can You Do This? – Hippo Poo Storm

Man sets a 42,000 match sphere on fire

? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.



  1. Hey Crypto Daily keep on doing that great content I love to watch every day, it is awesome! You should go and take a look on the Binance Community coin listings. They have already made an impact in some coins and I just looked after DENT project and it looks quite solid! Will love to hear you talking about it.

    Stay safe bro and keep enjoying Cali.

  2. Your right, how Governments TAX is a joke. Its absurd to see crypto 'currencies' as 'assets'. Its only a time of time till they change. It doesn't make sense to spend / trade assets… lets me go and buy my coffee with an asset, let me fill up my car with an asset. Let me record every transaction because you told me it's an asset. …Crypto currencies are clearly currencies.

  3. Would you be interested in doing a guest video on our page? We've got over 40k members on our Facebook Page as well. Would love to connect with another Youtuber, I think it could be mutually beneficial for us both.

  4. Taxation is theft, government doesn't actually exist, and money is actually an imaginary concept. but yes, bitcoin has the greatest monetary properties bar none, so hodl

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