#anarchapulco #dollarvigilante #bitcoin
This week The New Kids On The Blockchain are coming to you from Anarchapulco & Cryptopulco in Acapulco, bringing you all the latest crypto and blockchain news from the leading libertarian conference in the world. 2500 like-minded libertarians come together to discuss concepts around freedom and living the life they want to lead away from government tyranny.

With guests David Icke, Ron Paul, Jeff Berwick, Joby Weeks and many many more.

We find Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante, and find out about the event and find out why it has become so successful for drawing like-minded people into a week of activity around the concepts of freedom.

We also chat to Joby Weeks about his thoughts on the crypto space , his $50-100k bitcoin (BTC) prediction and where we could be heading and seek out Juan Galt to get his predictions for crypto and discuss the threat of inheritance and crypto currency.

Music by http://www.bensound.com

NB. All information shared here is for information only and should not be considered any kind of financial advice. Always do your own research.



  1. Here are the infiltraitors of the movement. People promoting cryptos which are the new age slave currency. Imagine a money that requires internet ( THEIR INTERNET mind you ) to buy / sell. 100% montitored…100 % recoreded…100% CIA scam money to HOOK you to a digital future.

  2. Love what Jeff's event is promoting in Acapulco!! Looking forward to more, I Subbed! If you would like to stay up to date with the latest in blockchain/crypto, please check out our channel!

    Your support to independent media outlets is greatly appreciated and so crucial

  3. Anybody who take part of Anarchopulco or SODOMA how I call it :-)))) is small cheap SOUL that is ready to do anything to make 1$ I mean Jeff is scammer everyone knows that he is just there where money can be make if he care about Society  I am pure IDIOT 🙂 …. Anybody ask yourself the question why nobody of so called ANARCHIST protect and work to support EDWARD SNOWDEN and JULIAN ASSANAGE? nothing nada zip no word about two most important people that put the life in jeopardy to spread the truth. WHY? Because they don't care about people just one thing they care of is MONEY …………. People don't be stupid….

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