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My Website – Learn To Trade Crypto Like A PRO! bitcoin bull trap electroneum bitcoin 2019



  1. Steve your classes are a absolute bargain! Now that I have taken them if I knew the value that would be provided to me I would have paid 5 times the amount! Thank you for giving them to me at the amazing discount of what I paid! Because they are well worth 10 k!

  2. It's better call Steve! I was thinking ths crash / bear market could go much ower than people are thinking simply because there are so many new alt coins and new cryptos. If all of that money was only in BTC the imagine how much stronger it would look. However since all of the money in this industry is spread across all of the cryptos they are very weak. Too many cryptos, the money is too spread out to keep any of them afloat. It is for this reason that i think we could see a bigger crash and possibly lower highs than were predicted in the future.

  3. Thanks for all the lessons on the videos! I've been learning a lot through them!
    Just wanna say thank you and wish you a happy 2019 with lots of new students so that you can keep on spreading your lessons and message of positivity!
    Keep on your good work, we'll keep on watching them!
    You're the best Steve! Thanks!

  4. Hey Steve, just wanted to thank you for the "Don't sit on your hands" lesson. I've had a hell of a time over the last 1.5yrs trying to teach myself to trade. I used ALL my extra income, including money my fiance and I got from a car accident settlement, to teach myself to trade and invest in crypto. I lost 80-85% of it (Or roughly $30,000) from lack of knowledge and the majority was lost when I discovered Bitmex leverage trading. Needless to say, I've been cautious to buy this time around and was starting to feel like I might not pull the trigger anytime soon. I told myself that until I save enough to take your classes, I would take every bit of knowledge u share in these FREE vids and follow along with it to a T! I'm sticking to this strategy and gonna start buying bit by bit over the next few months… Thanks, as always, for being dedicated to helping ALL of us here in your community to succeed and to eventually become profitable traders. It means a lot and definitely is not taken for granted… I hope you're Christmas was nice and relaxing, your woman is happy and healthy, and that you have a great New Years Eve down there in S. America! U should try to film the skies sometime when U have a moment, maybe you'll catch a UFO! 🙂 Peace and Love from the Crypto Crew Community member!

  5. Steve – I’m only 7 videos in, and you are 100% correct! You get what you pay for! I bought your classes last week and I’m already getting more confident and have WAY less stress and will have more patience moving forward! I can’t wait to finish your courses and take it through for round 2! So thankful!

  6. Steve mate, one of your best videos yet. Love your courses, love your videos, love your attitude, love your ethos and thank you for the education and thank you for the confidence. The money will come – I know it! 🙂 A late happy Christmas to you your fiance and of course your dog (and the little bump) and wishing you all and all the Crypto Crew a very HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. To all those who are not yet crew members Steve's courses are cheap – if you learn and implement what he teaches you. If you don't have the money to learn about what you are putting your money in to then perhaps you shouldn't get into crypto – only my opinion! Thanks again Steve – I know you are going to allow me to have what I want from life. Glass defo half full not empty 🙂

  7. A payment-plan would possibly be a good way to get more people to purchase your classes. Now it can feel somewhat like: should I invest in these classes, or in crypto..? I dig these free videos and your vibe anyway.

  8. after -85% losses and BTC breaking every support I am not investing another dollar in the space, bad news after bad news and only short term pump and dumps(the Christmas crypto heist) I see this market crash and burn soon to -99.9%, just wait and see the prophecy where ETF is denied, BAKKT delays the launch even more , bitmain the biggest mining company goes bust (and they hold huge amounts of BTC,BCH,LTC,DASH and other cryptos and could be dumped in the market)……if you think 2018 was scary just wait and see 2019!

  9. My only problem with your "Volume Comments" on Bitcoin is it is measured in "coins" traded. If you calculate the dollar amount traded today's 'DOLLAR" bottom volume candle is over 8x… by my calculation 350k coins Week of Jan 2015 at an average of $250 a coin = $87,000,000 154k coins traded Nov 2018 @ an average of $4250 = $654,000,000 that's 8 X IN DOLLAR VOLUME …. Just an observation

  10. I have to hand it to you Steve…this was one of the most concise and informative classes on chart bottoms, patterns, trend lines and RSI. I appreciate your time and am going to look deeper into your videos and classes. I have only been in crypto for around 14 months but have been in the stock market for several years. I agree there is not enough evidence one way or another about the bottom…the only thing I know is that the 200 day MA does not lie and we may have a month or two at most to get a clear picture to know just where we are headed. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays.

  11. I appreciate all the work you do bro. Your videos are always educational and you hit points that really matter . I will definitely be buying your class as soon as I can save up the money . One thing I always wondered is why not make a discord and charge a monthly fee for all the services you provide + maybe some signal calling so we can see your actual trades wether they turn out good or bad. A great example of such community would be @bleeding_crypto . Otherwise , thank you for another great video.

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