Bitcoin futures contracts getting ready to launch via Bakkt and BTC price continues to move at a fast paced speed. What does all this mean for Bitcoin long term price?

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Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin and litecoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price and Litecoin price move very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

► Music Credit: Joakim Karud
Track Name: “Vacation”
Music By: Joakim Karud @
Official Joakim Karud SoundCloud Page HERE –
Official “Joakim Karud” YouTube Channel HERE –
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.
Full License HERE –…
Music promoted by NCM

#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocurrency



  1. Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket. Bitcoin will always be around because of the coin exchanges and its own blockchain. Given.. I Ran into a video in Feb Early this year, I found so many people showering Accolades to a man named SHAUN AMES who has made a great Impact to so many young crypto investors since last year, some said he has the best strategy to trade Bitcoin,I was tired of Gdax and Binance small profits i was getting, so I reached out to him and he gave me the best tips to excel in the world of Crypto, i bet you his signals are unlike anything you have ever seen. Now I donít just Hodl, I make more Gains, after 3months I can Boast of increasing my Portfolio from 4Btc to 19Btc*, all Thanks to SHAUN AMES’s Almighty Formular for Trading, Y'all can reach out to him through His Email * Shaunames01@gmail. com or via telegram @shaun095 , here is also his WhatsApp (510)972-3951.

  2. Bitcoin more than doubled in price in the first quarter of 2019. It is predicted to extend the gains to $20,000 by December 31, 2019. With this in mind, Bitcoin is a recommended investment. However, more institutional investors are coming into the market and the 2020 halving effect starts to take place. We are thrilled to witness such bullish trend and I look forward to a new high the Bitcoin deserves. Bitcoin is not just a coin, but a spirit that hinders the crypto-industry. Kindly reach Mr Walter’s who has a superb Strategy to show thousands of investors out there loosing because they lack the knowledge to trade their Bitcoin. Email Waltertrading10@yahoo. Com

  3. Dan, I have a question for you regarding Bakkt (Futures Contracts). First, I must talk about "Silver".
    Most Silver Retail Investors know how they have been ripped off by
    the Unbacked Rehypothecated Fraud Fake Silver Market. I am sure you understand the concept
    of NAKED Short Selling ? Yes? This has been the mechanism how Silver Retail Investors have been
    Ripped Off by the Market Riggers. Is there any possible way, the same SCAMcan be run in the
    Crypto Bitcoin / Litecoin Market ? What are your thoughts?

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