What’s the impact of the futures issued by CME, CBOE and Nasdaq on the Bitcoin price on short, mid and long term? And what does it mean for the entire industry?

Article: https://www.ft.com/content/e535b17c-d8ea-11e7-a039-c64b1c09b482


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  1. after Bitcoin future lunch at future market trading

    is not good for digital money MC grow independently

    more gamble and more spectulation coming soon

    more fake news

    more pump and dump

    more individu trader lose money.

    the way of thinking to crypto ROI profit is totally different at year 2018

    not like year 2017.

    negatif sign starting jan 2018
    (market carsh)

  2. botcoin future impact

    the main impact to market capital all digital money

    1. 100 billion market capital can PUMP for just 24 hours

    2 100 billion market capital can DUMP for just 24 hours time.

  3. after bitcoin future inter Nasdaq market.

    1, more fake news
    2 more pump and dump
    3 more pump and dump by robot software and hardware
    4..the drama of digital money 2018 is totaly different from the past year 2017
    5 expected more individu trader will be lose.

    all the best.

  4. So according to this video the price fluctuations won't be as extreme, yet every other video I've seen says the fluctuations will be bigger. So many different opinions

  5. The max bitcoin globally is 21 Million. Japan is 50% of bitcoin they accepted it as national currency in April 20017. Japans population is 127 million… U.S.A population is 323 Million & is 25% of Bitcoin and growing

  6. Bitcoin is about to crash hard. I love bitcoin but they just check mated us. Huge surge bought up by banks, future promises to keep people holding the coin. Bitcoin is done!

  7. They will pump and dump. They will do the same thing they do with silver and gold. They will milk the little investors
    BTC by scaring them. This will not end well. Time to look at other options.

  8. Not a fan of Bitcoin futures. The reason I got into alt coins was to get away from these shaddy people. Good news 1300+ alt coins, only Bitcoin is going to be in this "betting market"

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