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**I am not a financial advisor, and nothing in this video constitutes financial or legal advice. Please invest responsibly and do your research with due diligence.

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My Website – Learn To Trade Crypto Like A PRO! bitcoin bull trap electroneum bitcoin 2019



  1. I think at this moment i would say nicolas scott strategy is wonderful and i would love to share it to traders we felt they cant make it in trading, well have made so much in forex and crypto currency through the help of a good broker called nicolas scott. please am only moltivating traders out there to always get a good broker. thanks

  2. Hi Steve, I signed up for the beginners class but am struggling as the link to Coinigy doesn't work, so no access to charts. Also, which class should I sign up to next, as they seem to include beginner which I've already done. Thanks!

  3. Hallo you can write "BLX" in tradingview to get almost full time bitcoin chart and you get the second bearish market in Btc History in 2011. i wait for your video.

  4. I love your videos Steve, I really want to take your classes man. If the move-up happens I will sell and hav e some healthy profit, I'm aiming to sell between $5,200 and $5,800 and then rebuy around $3,000. After that, I will be paying for your classes. So, I hope you're right!!

  5. Well Steve, I just finished the advanced class and will review it over the holiday break. Waiting patiently for the next bottom to form… I'm applying that simple plan and shutting off emotions, because if I don't, I'll be working at McDownTrends for all eternity ☺

  6. The video seems to be informative with nice idea ,but i have tried so many mining system ,even with the video i doesn't make any amount of Bitcoin rather i keep on loosing ,but you can give a try to Mr. Bryan Nguyen system to see how profitable it working for me now. you can contact him ( )

  7. Hi Steve
    I just spoke to PayPal and despite setting up my own credit with them they are saying PayPal Credit cannot be used for inter currency payments. So it doesn’t matter what is set up it’s only possible for your customers in the US to use their credit facility. Can you look into this? I’d like to go ahead soon and buy a couple more Bitcoin while it’s down below $5000 but would prefer to do this when I’m receiving your subscriber videos and advice.

    But it looks like I will have to pay in one payment.


    Sent from my iPad

  8. Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket. Bitcoin will always be around because of the coin exchanges and its own block chain Given.. I Ran into a video in Feb Early this year, I found so many people showering Accolades to a man named Mr. Bryan Nguyen who has made a great Impact to so many young crypto investors since last year, some said she has the best strategy to trade Bitcoin,I was tired of Gdax and Binance small profits i was getting, so I reached out to her and She gave me the best tips to excel in the world of Crypto. Now I don’t just Hod, I make more Gains, after 3 months I can Boast of increasing my Portfolio from 4Btc to 19Btc*, all Thanks to Mr. Bryan's Almighty Formular for Trading, Y'all can reach out to him here.

    *Email*( )

    whatsapp number: +1(857)308-5178

  9. I agree with you more than most ever will. I think it is far more dangerous buying loads of coin for a future that could moon or completely dip and cost you your holding that is primarily why I stopped holding. I lost more than 3/4 of my BTC and way more than half the value of my $7,000 xrp. I was devastated and got desperate seeking for options to recover mine lost when I stumbled upon a review of Wesley Wills. After considering the odds, I contacted him via mail, and the result was life-changing. He gave me a basic understanding of the benefit of trading over holding especially in a speculative market. He then provided me with his daily signals and trading patterns, and within a month, I was able to make almost 700% on my ripples. Wesley Wills never asks me to give him access to my account, and he would warn me against doing that with anybody as its a way many fakes use to defraud people.

    if you ask me, i will tell you i agree, i tried to explain to my partner how Wesley Wills program but insisted i was reckless to invest in the said skills of someone i heard of online, my first payout put a sock in mouth and we haven't stopped working with Wesley ever since. I do believe that cryptos will change the world, replacing stock markets, most currencies and powering everything from machine-to-machine payments and the Internet of Things through to streaming media, prediction markets, governance systems, voting systems, even potentially the internet. That being said, there is a long way to go, and we are in the very early stages for most of these areas which may or may not turn out to be what we expect from the markets because growth in value is mostly speculative. That been said, I would love to attribute accolades to a very sophisticated trader and investor, Mr. Wesley Wills, a man I believe in his capacity is a name worth mention amongst traders. I do trade his signals, and his analysis and understandings of the markets are awesome. With his guidance, I have made over $200,000 trading bitcoins in the last three months. You too can reach him by Skype : CHIEF TRADER, mail/hangout ( wesleywillclinic @ gmail com ), and I am sure you would have no option but to tell others about him.

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