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? Clips!
Crypto Brace Yourselves

? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.



  1. Do you take requests good kind sir?

    I would like to know your views and opinions on ARBING.

    Is arbitrary trading a quick and easy way to make a fast buck like some of the other (not so entertaining) channels are suggesting?

    Enlighten is brother ?

    Max respect for your work!!!

  2. Thank you for roasting Hoskinson. I unfollowed him months ago…couldn’t stand the constant whining about any Cardano related criticism or lack of acknowledgement. Oh and the selfies didn’t help.

  3. Where is Crypto Daily??!?!!?
    Please do a split convo with you and him. Talk about the Aussie banks and they royal commision. Banks may may maybe sent to jail…. . But still pretty serious stuff. Could be explain of how smart contract could replace this humanly flawed system of trust.
    Just an idea. Love your vids. Keep it up!!!!!

  4. Latest NEW crypto coin announcement.


    We have partnershiped and are working on a collaboration to forge a stratigic alliance using smart contracts to enable us to work together in a join operation to over come the forks with the kinetic scaling issue.

    The coin will use quantum layering in a binary form to encrypt transactions and wallets. Proving proof of stake and work. It can do this while forming contemporary algorithms in a hexhum code containing infinite variations to the core module.

    God I hope this gets a pin;)

  5. Hold on this ride. June might be harsh. Last Bitcoin futures from December ?

    ? Facebook: Michal Szymanowski
    ? Instagram: s3l3r
    ? Twitter: s3l3r
    ♨ Steemit: s3l3r

  6. All these announcement don’t mean anything. It is just for hype nothing more. A partnership between X and Y or a strategic agreement between X and Y… it is so funny. I am a lawyer and I can see that these kind of changes don’t matter. Also a rebranding of a coin, redesiging of a website or airdrop… it is all hype. Please control your fomo people and especially new people. When everything goes up you ALWAYS have these ‘updates’, but they don’t mean anything. Often it is just a intention to do something. Still hodling all my coins, next BIG swing down will come in 2 weeks, testing the lows again. Iy is ALL about the charts, not these updates. Cryptodaily, I love your channel! Thanks

  7. Brace yourself peeps. IOTA's Q announcement is the official date to remember. It is going to blow us all away. What they actually showed in their Q teaser was already more or less known. It it didn't cover the immense power which project Q will bring to the whole IOTA project. This coins will be the best performing coin out of the top 20 coins in 2018. Going to be a top3 coin in marketcap soon.

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