We have started out $500 BTC Giveaway! To enter, become a subscriber to our channel and then like & comment on each video between July 1st & August 31st. For each video you comment on, you will get one entry. We will be giving away $500 total to 8 winners! We will be having 1 $200 winner, 2 $75 winners, 3 $50 winners, & 2 $25 winners. The more comments/likes you make, the better your chances are to win.


In today’s news update, we look at the markets. Aside from a flash spike that occurred suddenly and then returned to right where it took off from, the markets weren’t good today. BTC dominance is rising and altcoins sunk like a rock today. In the news, we look at Coinbase & Facebook’s relationship, Coinbase managing a $20B hedge fund, Congressman Brad Sherman gets it from the crypto community, Vechain is doing a giveaway, Oyster is updating its backend, a misleading gold chart is floating around, Tezos getting ready to move toward community ownership, Dash speaks at the British Parliament, & THEKEY works with Chinese government to fix social security.


Timestamps & Links
4:00 Coinbase & Facebook: https://sludgefeed.com/coinbase-whitelisted-for-advertising-on-facebook/
7:16 Coinbase Hedge Fund: https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/07/20/coinbase-prime-brokerage-onboards-20-billion-hedge-fund
8:00 Brad Sherman: https://www.coindesk.com/fed-chair-cryptocurrencies-are-great-for-money-laundering/
9:35 CryptoDog: https://www.coindesk.com/fed-chair-cryptocurrencies-are-great-for-money-laundering/
11:10 Vechain: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/90hmjn/vechain_is_doing_a_one_year_anniversary_and_x/
12:21 Oyster: https://medium.com/oysterprotocol/development-update-july-20th-2018-5af90805542e
13:26 Gold Chart: https://i.redd.it/5t92r1c860b11.jpg
15:12 Tezos: https://www.coindesk.com/crypto-whos-in-control-of-tezos-that-answer-is-about-to-change/
15:57 Tezos Bakers: http://tzscan.io/charts_bakers
16:38 Dash at Parliament: https://twitter.com/StayDashy/status/1020331533285187584
19:25 THEKEY: https://www.neonbeginner.com/2018/07/20/thekey-project-will-use-blockchain-big-data-to-help-chinese-social-security-to-save-billions/


All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.

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Created by Ben Armstrong & Justin Williams.

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  1. FB buying CB makes sense, and would explain why FB has block all crypto- related ads. Eliminate the competition before you enter the space. I would avoid CB like the plague if it happened. No trust of Zuck here.

  2. Hi bit just a question if you have time of course to answer. Don't you think privacy coins like Dash, Monero, Zcach and so on.. will have problem in the future with government regulation? I watched already Japan banning Privacy coins…. any comment thanks…

  3. Brad Sherman is a democrat. The democrats are globalists. Luckily we still have a diversity of nations instead of one Marxist nation. Luckily, governments are still decentralised. Dash tip sent 0.01532 ($5AUD worth).

  4. BitCoinbaseBoy! I have a small theory that Facebook is going to use ETC somehow for some sort of blockchain product. I could totally see Facebook buying Coinbase though, give the Winklevos twins a bigger challenge!

  5. I think it's just Sherman's complete ignorance of the subject as well as the negativity in mass media in discussing Bitcoin. It's is, a pretty boring subject to the masses unless you bring up topics such as International drug cartels, mafias, gun runners and people on the dark web using Bitcoin to make purchases.
    He definitely needs a proper education on cryptocurrencies. It also doesn't help that he does have some backing from big banks who tend to look down on cryptocurrencies. Either way, he's either going to come around and be a True Believer in cryptocurrencies or he's just going to get voted out of office. People in California are very tech-savvy and don't take too kindly to people who look down on "Cutting Edge" Technology.

  6. Although FB buying Coinbase will give a good & big boost in the crypto market, it is also a bad thing as FB's principle has always been about cumulating everyone's personal information for their own personal gains. FB will be able to link Coinbase's information on users with their own database of people's profile. In a sense it counters the logic of decentralisation.
    I've been curious about Vechain as well. Haven't invested in it as their Document states it is not a Whitepaper…. Looking for more information. Can't deny that it is making some buzz though.

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