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  1. My strategy, I learned from you told me to sell all my Bitcoin at $8400.00. I sold all 9. Now the price is at 7400.00. That's a $9000.00 profit in Bitcoin if I buy back now but I'm not because the buy signals are not there yet. I'm sure I will make more than that. I know I've said this to you before. I'm saying it again anyways. Thank you so much for changing my life! #Killingthecryptogame

  2. Thanks Steve! Love your channel, and promote you everywhere! Am in Cambodia and ppl here don’t have money to pay to learn. You I’ve a lot of great content for free and it’s amazing news about your offer to giveaway a class to one of your commenters!!! Love to see a passionate teacher wanting to provide affordable learning to all. Thank you very much for all your efforts and all the best in your crypto future ? I’m gonna keep learning??

  3. Thank you for your hard work and good informations
    I am new in this trading world crypto and made few stupid mistakes, buy HI and wait to go even hire it doesnt work
    Soon when I was on O loss I sold everything thinking it will go down as you predicted but it went UPppppp
    My mistake because I didnt listen to you you said in next week or so will go down so we will see if by Wednesday we get correction so we can buy it again
    Thank you very much sir

  4. Looking at overall market cap of cryptos, its been increasing steadily day by day. Getting close to 400B. More and more money entering the market. Momentum is increasing rather than declining.

  5. Hi Steve!!

    Again, congratulations on the amazing videos and the outstanding quality of the education you are providing through them.
    I am learning a lot and I need to purchase on of your course ASAP to learn even more.

    I don’t think you need to post one video a day or every second day. I would keep it the way it is. Iti is always about quality over quantity. I would only add an extra video when a critical event comes across the world of crypto.

    At least this is my opinion.

    Take care

    Thank you for all you do!!!

  6. Thanks Steve! As always your video was super educational! I am so thankful for people like you with your knowledge and passion, that I have been able to utilize to help me Capitalize on Crypto and profit without having to know everything myself!

  7. Great info! I personally disagree with the free class. If it is free there seems to be less value to the recipient. I am working hard to sabe for the intermediate class. When I have enough $$$ the feeling is indescribable. I've picked up on selling on ebay to pay for my class. Well, and pay for my investment. I will not risk household $$$. Your awesome Steve!! Bring Pauline on sometime.

  8. Thanks Steve for all that you do in your efforts to help us as students to be great strategic investors.. I am currently a student in the Advanced Coarse and find your info very interesting I appreciate your heart and passion to teach others to become smart investors.

  9. Hi steve, I'm from the netherlands, been trading crypto since early october i made 40x gains in a few weeks time but I also lost money since december.. I went to marging because my loss was 70% and lost it all. I would love to have a class, ive been reading charts all day since novemver but i seem to miss some essentials. Could you help me, I love your vids, i believe your vids are the best explained, thank you for your effort

    Best Regards


  10. I sent you a message on Instagram about a fake insta channel that used all your pictures and name to add people to their channel and try to get people to sign up to one of their scams. Just thought you should know. And I hope no one fell for it.

  11. Your charts are always way off all you see is bear Market.. what happened to that $3,500 price prediction? Time to throw out your 1985 stock market analysis this is a new world stock boy

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