NOTE: EOS is not built on Ethereum, the tokens (ERC20) are issued on it.

New cryptocurrency on coinmarketcap. Why you need to be careful with investing in EOS right now.

EOS roadmap & whitepaper:


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  1. I agree that the gains for now is purely speculative. The ico runs for 341 days after the initial 5-day ico, each period of 23hours will have an allocated 2 000 000 token distribution. That's 682,000,000 add to this the initial 200 000 000 tokens on the first 5-day period.

    Agree on over-valuation too. Is the project really worth as much?

  2. EOS is scalable and free, and anybody can – with ease – build upon the EOS platform.

    When this is realised in the coming months, and into the beginning of next year…..people will be buying up EOS tokens. Ppl are just waiting to see how this plays out before committing.

  3. EOS is designed to run on common well known coding where Ethereum has its own proprietary coding. Listen to the Dollar Vigilante interview with the developer of EOS and decide for yourself. As far as coin supply, Ethereum has no limit as far as I can see which could lead to another federal reserve scenario. Why else would JP Morgan, Bill Gates, the Bilderburg Group and Vladimir Putan be supporting Ethereum?

  4. Just go to the EOS website and have a look at the video it explains many of the questions you guys might have, it was very helpful for me and the main guy who started this has a great history in other cryptos like steemit… this is not a scam by any means. check it out and see for yourselves 🙂

  5. What EOS means by scaleability is that it will support multi-threaded app development which allows parallel processing (parallel execution) to be distributed across multiple workers. This is huge limitation of Ethereum, as it only can run single threaded apps. Ethereum can only scale UP (until it hits limit of CPU gigahertz), and not OUT (where multi-thread does).

    This is the same reason why smartphones started changing from single-core CPU, to dual-core, then a few years later, quad-core processors so they can run 4 CPU threads at the same time which drastically improves the user-experience of the apps, as they don't have to stop doing one thing completely, to run something on another part of the program.

    An Intel PC quad-core CPU with hyperthreading, can run up to 8 threads in parallel, and thus several programs can be run side by side without having to interrupt threads which other programs are using just to do their work.

    So this is huge. It's like Ethereum is the equivalent of an older Pentium CPU with single thread 3.0gHz, where a newer quad-core 2.2 gHz can perform way better, and thus is desirable for app developers to shift to newer tech.

  6. If you watch the video on the EOS web site, and read the explanations for yourself rather than depending on watching a third party summary video like this, it is very clear that EOS (the decentralized operating system) is not run on Ethereum. EOS Tokens are issued on it. The publisher's note admits that in writing, but why not republish a corrected version of your video instead of letting false statements continue to spread disinformation?

  7. "1 to 2 seconds is a little bit vague." But regardless of supporting data or lack thereof, 1 to 2 seconds is their explicit claim, right? So where did your 45 seconds come from? Isn't that vastly more vague??

  8. This guy has no idea what hes talking about, EOS built on Ethereum? Wow. No, they are utilizing the ERC-20 Tokens to distribute the crowdsale tokens until the EOS blockchain is running.

  9. Dont buy EOS, word is EOS had like 100 million in Ethereum holdings and is behind the recent shorting of ETHEREUM to pump up the value of EOS after it's market price dropped.. Look it up on Reddit .. EOS SUCKS they have hurt the entire crypto market .. Dont buy EOS

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