There are many investment strategies to choose from so it can get a little difficult to pick a single starting point. Today I’m going to break it down and tell you where to start if you want to invest your money in the stock market.

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  1. Here is my principle I go by as my guideline for investing in stocks.
    Investment Principles

    These are by investment principles which act as a guideline for investing in stocks to build wealth.
    I only invest in American company stocks.

    A.) Price range: $15 to $45

    B.) Dividend Yield: 3% and higher

    C.) DRIP: All dividends are reinvested to buy more shares of stocks.

    D.) Dollar Cost Average: The same amount of money $25 is invested to buy more stocks every month, in every company in the portfolio (example: 4 companies times 25 equal $100 invested every month).

    E.) Drop in Price: there will be times when the general public will lose interest in a company and it stock price will drop. This means the stock is on sale and I buy more shares if the company financial position remains strong and its growth potential goes unchanged.

    F.) Stop Lost: To limit losses in the stock market

  2. hi Phil, thank you so much for all your videos. I found an easy and expressive body-language way to remember the 4 M's and I thought it would be worth sharing it. 1. The four M's are represented by 4 different gestures using one or both hands as follows: 1. Meaning: hand on the heart; 2. Moat: clenched fist, symbolizing power; 3. Management: holding an imaginary sphere between one's hands; 4. Margin of safety: holding the palms of one's hands horizontal on top of each other, symbolizing a level gap.
    I came up with these as I was watching the video and I repeated them up to 5 times immediately after; a few days later I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could easily remember them.
    I hope this will be of use.

  3. There are only 6000 views on this video, yet these are so great infos, thank you! You talk about understanding the business, but what do you mean by that? Can you tell examples? I'm in the music business, I understand how Spotify works, but still I don't know how to decide if it's a good investment or not.

  4. Good video thanks.
    Would be good to hear some "real" life examples of where you have made risks, lost money, made money, regrets ect… in detail. 
    You always reference Warren Buffets real life examples which have obviously made an impression therefore it would be grate to hear your stories also. I think this is the best way to learn.

  5. Phil..What do you think of Baby Bonds as a way to store cash, until ready to buy into a company. Low volatility and trade in and out like stocks. And with a 5% to 7% dividend. Was reading an analyst today about that method, plus several other articles. Companies like Ebay, Verizon and many others have their versions.

  6. I'm not a big fan of ETFs if you're looking for minimal gains I guess it's fine but as you said find a few companies with higher potential. Diversification can be a good thing but diversify yourself don't do it in an ETF
    Investing YouTuber following the journey of an Average Joe

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