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  1. One way you can select a winner is to do a live feed video on a predetermined time and date when selecting a winner for the free video giveaway. At the end of the live feed use a bot to randomly select a winner from the individuals who are present during your live feed. If you do this on a weekly or bi monthly schedule you can increase likes and gain new subscribers. Then use discord to exchange information.

  2. People just need the MOST basic understanding of economics. Bitcoin ISN'T low! The price is back to where it was in November, when it suddenly shot up and got far too high. It's falling because everybody knows it's falling, so everybody's selling… it's called CONFIDENCE.Bitcoin was in a bubble, the bubble has burst, and now it's undergoing a market correction. That's all there is to it. It will keep falling until the people holding bitcoin are the people who want to use bitcoin, and not the people holding bitcoin just to make money off it, because they're going to keep trying to cut their losses by selling. People who use bitcoin will continue to use it, but they will buy it and get rid of it, because nobody who knows how markets work is going to keep holding on to it until the correction period is over and it stabilises. People who don't know how markets work will lose their money, like EVERY time people don't know how to recognise what a bubble is.

  3. I'm from Missouri and have to say your my favorite reviewer because your not a sell out. Your information is on point and you tell the truth with your honest opinion. I think you should just use a random generator! Thanks Steve!

  4. Has anyone taken Steve and Pauline's intermediate course? I am thinking of signing up but I can't find any information on it or customer reviews. I love their videos though. Any feedback would be appreciated!

  5. Love it steve! Have yet to meet pauline yet. But one thing I have certainly learned is a whole lot of patience in my trading. Love your attitude and just going to sit back and breath. Have a great trip around spain.

  6. Hello Steve, the painting looks like the "Parc Güell" in Barcelona. I am from there, this is the reason why I know it. Living in Austria. Greetings from Vienna.

  7. You could ask for a BTC address and deposit the cost of one class to that address, if the winner is serious about learning they will return the BTC to you in exchange for the class.

  8. hi, Steve; did you ever thought to put yours classes in Udemy? And no free classes; it is better if we pay; you can offer a classes free to all the community is you want.

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