Discover why waiting, or doing nothing, can make all the difference when you’re investing. I’ll explain the benefits of waiting for a really great opportunity and why professional money managers can’t do it.

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  1. Phil, as a fund manager in NY myself I cannot stress enough how right you are about people not wanting to wait, it's what causes so many funds to fail. I am really careful who I take on. Well said and bravo.

  2. Great video, thank you! Over 40 years of working, etc. and comparing the "waiting" vs. the "rushing in", "waiting" wins, hands down, no question, well, you get the idea! "Rushing in", every single time, seems like the result would have been much better if I waited and decided on something else, or even deciding on doing nothing at all. I have to say, about the waiting within a corporate 401k & mutual funds (am I allowed to say mutual funds here?), it was more of a forced way to save & invest, if that makes sense. Did fairly well, then again, that took a good amount of discipline & patience. Good discussion, thank you again, AV

  3. Thank you for your advice regarding the art of waiting, even in life:

    I am waiting for the markets to get Bush-wacked back down again.

    Waiting to take my nest egg to the markets and away from any broker or tricky financial planner with only annuity (insurance) guarantees.

    Waiting for the correct time to forgo my celibacy, wed, — and be re-deflowered.

    Waiting for thy kingdom to come — when all of this will matter less.

  4. And if you're young, or even of middling age like myself, don't feel bad if you "miss" a great opportunity. More will come in the following years, as long as you're patient.

  5. Buy low. Sell higher. This is the best advice. Watch the charts as they go up and down. Look for lows. Look at the CHART lows of 2008 for banks. That was a great time to buy. The charts will tell you when to buy.

  6. Bad idea. Betting against the stock market over longer periods of time has shown to be a losing strategy. People have been calling for the apocalypse the last 10 years. How’s that worked out for you?

  7. If you are using options, as Buffet had done, why would you have to wait? There are scores of people on YouTube with money at defined risk in the markets right now. Which then begs the question, what are you covering in your 3 day seminar in Atlanta?

  8. Shut your soup blower! Your last name "Greene" says it all. Make sure your next video,Lord please let that not happen. But,if you do put that detailed car in the background. "Douche bag"!

  9. my thoughts: CDs give a return of 2.6% a year. So aiming around 5%. If one wants to be acting safe, index funds are great, low risk. Consider getting 5% return in a year. So buy stock when the price is near to 52 week low and wait till the price goes up by 5%. Sell it and then wait again for next stock to drop. Consider only index funds. Let me know your suggestions.

  10. i've been waiting for a market down turn which is where we're at now.., In Feb 2018 the market started trading sideways now its down where i can start buying my selected watch list stocks..!!

  11. Early Bird Catches the Worm

    Waiting for golden opportunity will likely cost you more in regards to opportunity costs.
    The major market corrections are few and far between.
    So AMZN crosses $1000 per share, and you think, oh if I had just gotten in when was trading ~ $600 per share.
    Then you decide to wait for big pullback, and sit in cash.
    You make less than 1% on your cash, then a year later, AMZN is crossing $2000 per share.
    Market finally has a major correction, and AMZN gets hit hard.
    AMZN pulls all the way back to $1300 per share, and you then wonder, should I get in now? Is the correction over? Will AMZN pull back to under $1000? Or, is this as far back it might correct.
    So, you hardly made any money all year waiting for major opportunity to get in market. You miss out on huge gain in market while you waited.
    The market finally has the major correction that you were waiting for.
    But you have no idea whether that correction is just the beginning of a long bear market, or if the market will quickly recover over next several months.
    A better approach might be to have some money in the game so can take a profit from time to time, and always have 20 to 40% cash. That way, When big correction occurs can purchase more stock and get closer to 20% cash, and when market is back to breaking new highs, take profits and get closer to 40% cash.
    I would suggest never be “all in” market or “all in” cash.

  12. Right now, US bank stocks are looking very attractive. I am totally seizing on this opportunity. I was buying quality companies in the international market (along with REITs and MLPs) while the DOW was soaring and now that it is tanking, I am on the hunt for good US value stocks.

  13. Charlie Munger called Warren Buffett "stupid" after he bought a windmill… this strategy for long investment worked for a few stocks in the US but it would not work at all in the other markets like Japan or Poland… long holding to the GE, F or C even IBM stocks would not make you wealthy either… not mention Circuit City, Sears or Toys R Us… agreed?

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