Anything Less Should Be Unacceptable
Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase in online casino sites claiming to use “provably fair” RNG in their games. The term itself has become a tool used by casinos to gain players’ trust rather than being a tool for players to remove the need to trust casinos. This is wrong and is the opposite of the intended purpose of provably fair algorithms.
BC.GAME has set the standard for transparency and has provided the framework for how all provably fair slots creators, providers, and operators should publish their fairness verification. Having seen first-hand the difference between BC.GAME’s transparency and the phoney smoke and mirrors transparency used by most of this industry’s casino operators, I can confidently say that the bar has been raised.
Do Not Be Fooled
As a community, it is ultimately up to you, the players, to demand total transparency and true fairness verification. Just because a game result passes verification does not mean it was fair. I can not emphasise that last point enough.
Many are unaware that the verification methods offered by almost every casino only verify the first step in a process that can have an infinite number of steps taken to generate the game result. If these steps are hidden from the players in closed source code, then that casino can not be considered to have fair games.
This begs the question, “Why would a casino go out of its way to produce verification docs and create pages on their site dedicated to tools that only verify one part of their random number generation (RNG) rather than provide code to the entire process?” Good question. I do not have an answer.

How Is BC.GAME Different?
This, however, is a question I can answer with 100% certainty. Since its launch, BC.GAME has aspired to spearhead the online casino industry into a bold, technology-driven future. Built on the belief that trust works best when it is completely removed from the equation. After all, playing at a casino is a competition between the player and the house. For the house to force any player into a situation where they must trust that the conditions of the competition are fair without any input from the player is absolute craziness. Right? Oddly, that describes the majority of the casino industry.
BC.GAME has put all the cards out on the table. (terrible pun intended) There are a handful of casinos that have embraced provably fair technology. Some have pretty decent fairness verification methods, too, with simple games like Crypto Dice. But when it comes to more complicated game types, especially slots, BC.GAME has set a new standard.
From the simplest game of Dice up to the complicated multiplayer games with various rule sets, BC.GAME ensures that fairness is explained in a way everyone understands. You may notice that the modus operandi of most sites is to cram a bunch of confusing code and break English into a tiny pop-up on the site that serves only as confusion for players. Fairness verification should answer questions, not create more of them.
The content behind this run-on sentence is the open-source documentation and explanation of how the results for the new BC.GAME exclusive slots called Savior Sword are generated. You should ask yourself, “Great, a bunch of fancy-ass code that I don’t understand. What good does that do for me?” BC.GAME wouldn’t be the industry’s frontrunner in this technology without an answer to that question.
The answer was to call upon the community to create a user-friendly fairness verification tool for the new slots game and ALL BC.GAME titles. At the time of writing this, there is already a user-created and peer-reviewed tool for Savior Sword Slots, Classic Dice and Hash Dice. More are surely on the way. It’s never too late if you want to submit your contribution. Much like blockchain nodes, the more community participation that exists, the closer we reach a consensus verifying the fairness of all BC.GAME bets.