Databroker DAO DTX is an interesting ICO. It solves a problem that costs billions of dollars every year to companies, governments, researchers, academics,… They spend so much money on installing sensors to get the data they want. But, in most cases the data they want already exists. So, it’s a big waste of money and Databroker DAO is fixing this problem.


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  1. Look bro, you talking about YOUNG and investing…. we follow you to invest a minimum and what little money we have….. giving 1 eth to an ICO which is NOT propitiatory or have any real roadmap is ridiculous. It seems that ICO's just want investment and then they adjust their roadmap. That team looks ridiculous aswell, i mean they only have founders and marketing people it seems ? i might be wrong… but there should be a BIG development team here… people with real attributes who can take this project and make it big. Look we all want to make money with crypto and we want to actually help companies that solve problems rather that companies that just want to be "another crypto" ICO…. please dude you have made some awesome vids in the past and made much more sense. Please rather focus on what works and stay away from the ICO hype and shit. I can continue my rant but i think you know where im going with this. Dont get me wrong i love your channel and what you doing for the crypto world, but as a miner and a solid investor i feel that your channel isnt going in the right direction. It feels like you saying shoot a couple of bullets (those you can afford) and hope.. or pray that 1 lands. Do you think that is the right advise for a young investor ?

  2. Hi Quin. I like your videos. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Are you now just picking the tokens that give you some money to make the video or is this one a token you really liked? Or both at the same time?

  3. Once 5g is implemented everywhere, we will have no more privacy.

    This ico is a nice concept; however, will ethereum be able to handle all this data? Wouldn't it be better to use a different network that has better scalability?

    Also, wouldn't a permission based network be better for this instead of a permissionless one?

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