? The Literal Top 5 Coins in 2018!
? My Favourite Exchange: https://goo.gl/xvvjrt
? 2nd Favourite: https://goo.gl/aC6Z7d
? Buy Bitcoin with Coinbase: https://goo.gl/KNeSvo
? Recommended Wallet – Ledger Nano S: https://goo.gl/ejMrcu
00:00 The Top 5 Coins
02:31 Market Recap
04:29 Trying to Add Value
05:02 RaiBlocks
05:44 What’s up With Tron
07:01 ICO Spotlight – BitherCash
08:91 Bitcore (BTX)!?
09:09 Outtakes
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◆ Bitcoin Quote: http://bit.ly/2r76NP7
◆ Bitcoin TA: http://bit.ly/2Dflfuo
◆ Tron: http://bit.ly/2Dy8ZSz
◆ More Tron: http://bit.ly/2mGq6KO
◆ BitherCash (Not a Referral Link): https://bithercash.com/
◆ BitCore Airdrops: http://bit.ly/2rat26P
? Music!
Naughty By Nature – Here Comes The Money
? Clips!
Squeak Toy with a Bang (Vine)
The Room- You are tearing me apart- Full Scene
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.
Seriously love the amount of work you put in your videos. Thank you
hows ya 2018.hodl experiment going
I hate that i got into crypto in late December, but i love watching your videos that i missed.
LINDA coin please Crypto daily ! !
I think you forgot to add a coin from the TokenGo project here. In my opinion, it has more than once justified the trust of its investors and deserves a place in the top. It stably maintains its position and has great promising strong underpinnings in 2018.
Nice video mate, as usual
Regarding next coin we would like to be featured in your videos, maybe you could consider Deep Onion. Smaller privacy coin on TOR network with good dev team and vivid community, they should release android mobile wallet, vote central and stealth addresses soon, very ambitious white paper and roadmap. Definitely worth taking a closer look. Keep up the good work
What about Litecoin?
Can you review also Tezos? It is launching in the following weeks.
I heard that most promising ICO project in February is Forty Seven , is it right?
Your losing me bro
The other day you had no reason for Neo rise
what about the dong?
Man I totally love the effort you put into your videos. Seriously a healthy and positive channel in the crypto YouTube space. I always love watching
Shane O Mac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $$$$$$
Definitely need a review about SONM, DeepOnion and Upfiring!
DeepOnion has done some very hard work on the past months which most people seem to have overlooked or missed and I find it hard to ignore the fact that it is the on the fast track to becoming the go-to Privacy coin. If you get the time, it would certainly be an interesting video!
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good video. My choices for 2018 are Neo among the large cap coins and DeepOnion for the small cap coins. I have seen a lot of talk about Neo, Can you please talk about DeepOnion.
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Ahaha entertaining + informative datas that is perfect for giving reviews! being fan of privacy coin hopefully you can have chance to review for undervalued privacy coin like Deeponion (Onion) that released their whitepaper that its very informative and continuous growing community that surely for long-term investment.
thanks for your entertaining video man!
by the way keep your good attitude and unique style in giving reviews it's very good combination ? liked and subscribed!
Subbed 30 secs in
Cool video as always, always interesting to see what other think of all these alts and a little bit of humour is adds a bit of entertainment. I wonder if you would considering making a video on DeepOnion. It seems privacy coins are looking to be big in 2018, would be interesting to see you opinion on this one
What you think about Electra (ECA)?
I'm a little late to this video but in a way it was more enjoyable that way. The good ol' days of $14K bitcoin and $709B market cap. Ah, remember those days way back in January 15th? Anyway, back on topic. Loved the video and your breakdown of the top crypto coins; I learned a little bit about Tron and the controversy there. And although I don't touch lending coins others do so I appreciated your quick review of BitherCash.
I echo some of the comments about requesting a review into DeepOnion. Privacy based coins will grow in popularity and finding some of the lower cap coins could be a huge win when the market comes back. Keep up the great work!
ahahah, nice video, you're so funny
Maybe you could just take a look at DeepOnion… upcoming features like mobile wallet and VoteCentral will strengthen this coin and make it a lot more valuable in the long term
Where is Deeponion????Will definitely be a top coin in 2018 .The coin has a great following and great tech behind it .
Thanks for the video, the last few weeks have been such a great buyers market, DeepOnion has released their latest update moving the coin to the newest Tor version, at around $5 it seems a bargain to me when you consider how high it reached in early jan before this update was implemented. Can you do a low cap privacy coin video by any chance as I want to stock up on other coins too
Thanky ou for that great insight. With the huge marketcrahs of today it's definitely a good time to grab some of these altrocins for cheap. Raiblocks renamed themselves in Nano, what do you think about the rebranding? With 17$ it's not that cheap unfortunately, I'm rather going with some DeepOnion which you can get for 3$. With the upcoming development during 2018 this can't be wrong.
Hilarious video – very much enjoyed. In reference to coins I'd like you to comment on – I'm interested in INT, EDG, and DeepOnion. Granted, the market's been a mess the past couple of weeks, but I'm curious on your thoughts about those. I've read and enjoyed the DeepOnion whitepaper, but I haven't looked too deeply into the other two although I hodl a bit of all of them.
Absolutely love your videos! Keep up the good work. Would love to see your thoughts about privacy coins in your next video, particulary the tor-based ones like deeponion or spectre. They have really gotten my attention with easy to read whitepapers. Privacy coins should become really big in 2018 due to all the regulations coming the crypto way.
I believe Decentralized Exchanges and privacy coins have the biggest potential for the future.
Could you talk about NVST and/or DeepOnion? They are my favorites in those respective fields.
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Best crypto-tuber man you make me laugh and give great info
Nice to see someone doing this with a sense of humor. Thanks.
Anon dev team means it's safe for sure :^)
Lunyr (LUN)
Aeron (ARN)
Monetha (MTH)
Good sense pf humor????
thanks you're damn amazing
join our pump group on discord https://discord.gg/SnFXqU
Genaro Network..?
so good again and again
Hahahaha man you're so funny, I love the way how you do your work.. By the way, if you're going to ask me about the coin/project I want you to review are NAV coin , DeepOnion and SpectreCoin..
DeepOnion is already provided with many testimony, they have plenty member that already become millionaire with deeponion itself, The Increasing value always make us proud to buy DeepOnion, You can compare it with the other. But, DeepOnion will always become stronger and more stronger. Thanks to it's privacy and Community that always support the coin itself.
What's your accent? I actually can't make sense of it lol!
Hi Crypto Daily! nice video with a nice background! (the beach) I know you may make videos about DeepOnion soon and I will see them all!! The white paper is released, VoteCentral coming soon, DeepOnion is one of the great privacy coins thriving fast in 2018! everyone loves privacy and freedom, isn't it?
Hey spoiled boy. Can you talk about B3coin (rank 1194)?.
Best channel about crypto.
Hi, I am just going to write somewhat spontanious, I have a ton of newby questions; Html coin wants to become an crypto insurence, Simple Token is going to provide everything with tokens, chain link is rather boring but is going to help speed things up. maybe those longer term projects will become succesfull, but how long will it take ? where are we currently in the expansion time line and what are the major problems today ? Been enjoying your vids, thank you.
pac please
Man, first video I see from you and I love it. A great mix of a little fun and usefull information. I'm planning a party this weekend and you are invited :).
I would love to see you do a video on the 2 coins i'm heavily investing in.
1: DeepOnion. (safe bet)
Reasons: Privacy coins in general will do well in 2018, I never saw a community like the DeepOnion community, DeepOnion keeps expanding the development team, great tech, real life use cases such as DeepSend and DeepVault and the best marketing campaign in the crypto world. More details can be found in their roadmap and whitepaper.
2: Internet node token. (more risky)
Reasons: One of few internet of things coins, currently only available on asian exchanges and not picked up by the western traders yet. can possibly compete with IOTA in the future, have some great advisors on board and some great partnerships.
I would definately like to hear your opinion on these coins.
Keep up the good work. You have a new subscriber .
I think i will buy some polish Zloty thank's to for your precious advice! Love your jokes man
I think you are right about Tron..i have personally never touched it and i always knew it was just a pump and dump…
that's the right example to explain how crypto is still a small environment where investors can be easily manipulated by sneacky figures…
I am focused on privacy coins at the moment…for instance Hush, DeepOnion, NAVcoin have all been doing pretty well recently and i am sure they will grow a lot this year…especially Onion..this coin is growing fast and it seems that the devs are pretty active…they have just released a whitepaper and looks very promising…i would like to know your opinion about this coin..
Keep it up..