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  1. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! Welcome to the Crypto Crew! Thanks so much for all the overwhelming support, you guys are awesome! Would love to welcome you into our classes! Let's get you on the right track in Crypto! Links in description???

  2. The logo reminds me of the male symbol (circle with arrow coming out) but I like it. I think it needs just a bit more tweaking. I do think Crypto Crew is perfect and I love your videos. On your courses I think you are perfect keeping it straight to the point, no fluff. Trading can be very overwhelming and you don't need to know everything so just teaching what you need to know is perfect!! I would love for you to offer a discount if they buy more than 1 course. I would be interested in doing all three courses even tho I'm not a beginner. Just my thoughts… Keep up the great work!!

  3. Steve. Thanks for the valuable content you create. I totally agree that people should get the best crypto classes possible. Personally I think the class should be as long or extensive as it needs to be. provide as much relevant information as possible, but bon't make your courses longer just for the sake of making it long. If with 6-8 videos it's enough to get the point across, so be it. Please proved enough information to get people going. Hopefully the course will pay for itself and people will come back for the more advanced one.

    Right really wanna take it, but it's out if my means. It would be nice to have once in a while some kind of discount that you give randomly to your viewers. Ideally a substantial one so people from more poor upbringings or 3rd world countries can take it.

  4. hey Steve! thanks for your very helpful videos!
    i wanted to ask you your opinion about the fact that EOS owners will sell a lot of ETH when their platform will be completed on June 2nd. Do you think it will affect the price of ETH or it will just be a little correction?
    THANK YOU :))

  5. Other than your YouTube channel which is the best I would like to see a sample of your classes if it is the intermiate class for example and it is an 30 min. Segment Classes I would like to see say first 2 minutes after the intro to see if it is going in the direction I want to go hard 500.00 keeps me just skimming over 4 YouTube channels though you've been the most accurate in your presentation

  6. Wow Steve you really care that vibe is the best ever man funny your girl friend from hong kong so look a little closer and she if Pauline knows the location of where im at in my little picture , or maybe you know steve

  7. I like the idea of your logo but it's not finished in my opinion. File more on it to make it more special / unique. About your videos KEEP IT SIMPLE that's your thing and why I like your videos. Straight on point without much bla bla bla. But there are also I few things I don't like. First of all and that's very important to me for your authencity. there were a few times at the last Videos when you tried to answer the questions what is cool but you did it in a way like you know everything and I wish you speak more demure and always mention that's your opinion and don't let it sound like a fact. It's a risky business and if you be wrong one time with a statement you could lose a lot of credibility. Second why you start no always with "today I have an exciting one" so every video is an exciting one now but that makes every video not very special anymore. But I think what you already do better is you talk at the end about your classes because it becomes very annoying if you follow the Chanel for a longer time and then you hear it all the time again. We are all interested in your analysis. that's what you are doing very good. I like your attitude and can feel your passion. Go on. I really like it. Good job!

  8. Hello Steve, actually i appreciate your videos and you are very professional, even if i know you cannot tell what you really think (on the longer term..), because of your bizness. 😉 My question is: what is your marketing strategy with this costume you wear all the time?

  9. I thought the cool way to spell crypto crew would be… Crypto Kru… but the logo you have done looks good… I don't think you should have a white C with a white background though… that's too much white. Also, your beginner, intermediate, advanced sounds great… but is that; day trading; swing trading, or what??? because it's different for each type right ??

  10. Hi Steve, please check out Groestlcoin GRS – I have direct contact to the developers… it seems to have lots of potential and can do anything that Bitcoin and Litecoin to do and much better …

  11. Hi Steve which is your official page on Instagram? Have someone trying to contact me and I think it's not your account.Second time contacting me with a different acc with your profile pic on both.

  12. The name Crypto Crew I already associate with you so the name automatically fits as far as the logo I do feel you could do a lot better, as a suggestion maybe look at creating the words crypto crew out of what could be described as your ( CRYPTO CREW ) , you could select your most loyal crew and make them the face of your logo by shaping them in whatever (fashion) ? and use as many as you would need to create the wording. As that was the image I had before seeing your logo. Keep up the good videos.

  13. Hey Steve,
    Rebranding is a good idea.
    However changing your style you have developed to match others i believe is not.
    Stick to what you do best, refine and add some extra courses over time, but 18 courses with a lot of filler is not needed.
    Hope this feedback helps, and thanks for your clips, I have definitely learned from you since January.

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